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突然我灵机一动。Then I had a brainstorm.

开动脑筋,为剧本想些点子。Brainstorm ideas for the script.

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与一群智取相投的作家一起做头脑风暴。Brainstorm with a group of like-minded writers.

我们确实认为集思广益是个巨大的机会。We really think it is a huge opportunity to brainstorm.

那就最好和团体一起工作,进行头脑风暴。it can be really helpful to work with a group to brainstorm

我们需要群策群力,设法找到一个长期有效的解决办法。We need to brainstorm a more permanent solution to a problem.

让我们脑力激荡一下看看能不能有新点子。Let's brainstorm and see if we can come up with some new ideas.

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也就是说,你可以每天在大脑里正对一个具体的主题进行一次头脑风暴。Let say you could do a brainstorm each day with a specific topic in mind.

使用头脑风暴法以及鱼骨图会是个不错的主意。It will be a good idea to brainstorm and come up with a fish-bone diagram.

“关于如何发展中国的进口的问题,可以说是集思广益”斯文森说。"There was a brainstorm on how China can grow their imports, " Swenson said.

安排一次步行会议和你的上级及同事们一起讨论吧。Schedule a walking meeting to brainstorm ideas with your supervisors or co-workers.

要找到你的域名,你当然可以来场头脑风暴并焕发你的创造力。To find the right domaine name, you can of course brainstorm and try to be creative.

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我们需要坐下来一起集思广益,为新产品设计一个好的营销口号。We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new marketing slogan for a new product.

这是一个集思广益,交流心得,以及团队合作的好时机。This is a good time to brainstorm with others, share ideas, and come to a group consensus.

当人们问我关于写作——他们如何写作——我通常建议他们先作头脑风暴。When people ask me about writing-how they can write-I often suggest they brainstorm first.

相反,应该花一点时间来思考,或列一张单子,这样可以帮助你向前发展。Instead, take a few minutes to brainstorm or write out a list that helps you move forwards.

当人们问我关于写作——他们如何写作——我通常建议他们先作头脑风暴。When people ask me about writing---how they can write---I often suggest they brainstorm first.

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与支持你的团队进行头脑风暴,并且为下一步该如何做拟出一个计划。Brainstorm with a supportive team, and always come up with a positive plan for forward movement.

它里面包括沙发坐、“头脑风暴岛”、一个电子公告栏以及一组活动空间。It features soft seating, "brainstorm islands, " a digital bulletin board and group event space.

我们开始时,是让全公司的工程师们每隔几周会面,一起集思广益。We started with engineers from all over the company meeting every couple of weeks to brainstorm.