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还要避免快速下坡跑步。Also shun fast downhill running.

这组雕像叫舜耕群象。This group sculpture is about Shun.

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当年舜放逐了鲧却重用了鲧的儿子禹。Shun exiled Gun but promoted his son Yu.

安顺哪里有卖琉璃?Where has An Shun to sell coloured glaze?

灵活人爱道理,蠢人背弃道理。Wisemen love truth. whereas fools shun it.

顺天祥塑胶制品有限公司!Shun Tian Xiang Plastic Products Co. , Ltd.

译〕智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.

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李逃到西安,他顺王朝的首都。Li fled to Xian, his Shun Dynasty's capital.

因为一些原因,其他所有的小孩都对他避之不及。For some reason, all the other kids shun him.

即使尧舜这样的先贤也做不到。Even Yao and Shun could not have done as much.

廖舜康在财务学上付出的努力已初见成果。Liu Shun Hong's love of finance is paying off.

谁是给小栗旬留下最差第一印象的艺人?Who Gave Oguri Shun The Worst First Impression?

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顺义哪里有咖啡厅和不错的餐馆?Shun Yi, where has the cafe and the good eatery ?

舜传王位给禹时,也说了这番话。Shun also said that when he passing throne to Yu.

凡是懦夫躲避的,我们反而热烈地寻找。That seeks what cravens shun with more than zeal.

你用嬉笑的无心来躲避我的赠与。With antic absent-mindedness you shun my ability.

唯物主义者面向真理,唯心主义者则逃避真理。Materialists face truth, whereas idealists shun it.

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为了帮母亲减刑,王顺这样说。In order to help mother commutation, Wang Shun says.

中华民族的始祖炎帝以及舜帝,也安寝在湖南。Emperor Yan and Emperor Shun are all buried in Hunan.

顺和实业公司1991年成立于香港。Shun Wo Company was established in Hong Kong in 1991.