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我是一个流浪者。I am a waif.

街上有一个流浪儿正在乞讨。A waif is begging on the street.

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街上有一个流浪儿正在乞讨。He has been a waif for many years.

我已经流浪了二十年啦。I’ve been a waif for twenty years!

她是世界的公主,人间的精灵。She is both waif and woman of the world.

不要等拥有许多后,才开始去分享一点。Don't waif to have a lot, to share a bit.

而且他的妻子艾玛好像又怀孕了。And his waif Emma looks like she's pregnant, again!

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一个穿牛仔布裙,梳莱娅式双髻发型的女子游荡着等着她的长袍。A waif in a jeans skirt and Leia hair knobs waited for her gown.

人若没有目标,就像船缺了舵——成了流浪汉、废物、人间渣滓。The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif

起初,爱娃很难找到工作。那些超级瘦的无主人体模型在那里。At first, it was difficult for Eva to find work. Those super-thin waif mannequins were in.

WAIF框架包括应用定义、应用分配和应用执行三个主要构件。WAIF includes three main components— application definition, application allocation and application execution.

这本书讲的是一个大约10岁大的可爱流浪儿和一只小脏狗一起经历的一系列历险故事。The book is about a charming 10-year-old waif who embarks on a series of adventures with a scruffy canine sidekick.

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流浪儿毛豆来自敌占区,曾与陈家俊不期而遇,因此成为营救队的关键人物。Waif Maodou from enemy occupied areas and Chen Jiajun, has therefore become a key figure accidentaly across, the rescue team.

一天,在林中拍片的时候,他碰上了同班同学里中静流,一个怪异的流浪儿,由宫崎葵扮演。One day, while taking pictures in the woods he runs into his classmate Satonaka Shizuru, a strange waif , played by Aoi Miyazaki.

她看了我这个样子,以为我也是一个无家可归的流浪人,脸上就立时起了一种孤寂的表情,微微的叹着说。My expression must have made her think that I was a waif with no home. A look of sadness and loneliness was reflected on her face too.

几个星期以来,这位时髦一时的“大地母亲”和长寿崇尚者已从柳条细腰转向性感、健硕。In the space of a couple of weeks, the one-time "earth mother" and macrobiotic devotee has transformed herself from willowy waif into sexy, strapping Glamazonian.