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那段话有点尖刻的讽刺味。That’s sort of a poignant irony.

对我来说,那一刻是如此凄凉。For me, that moment was so poignant.

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而玛丽莲梦露便是此种错误最惨烈的牺牲品。There was no more poignant victim of it than Marilyn Monroe.

一阵剧烈的焦虑,象把刀子似的,直扎进普瑞斯莱的心房。A poignant anxiety thrust itself sharply into Presley's heart.

与泰姬陵有关的历史很令人心酸。The history connected with the Taj Mahal is a very poignant one.

想象的悲恸是如此强烈,使伯莎泪如泉涌。The imagined grief was so poignant that Bertha burst into tears.

至于与贝蒂•戴维斯之间令人遗憾的关系。With Bette Davis there was a poignant might-have-been relationship.

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他在婚礼前一天去世了,这尤其令人悲恸。It is especially poignant that he died on the day before his wedding.

好久过去,我们就不再置身于令平易近气碎的圣诞礼拜,可是如今,强压。We had long ago given up the poignant Christmas services, but now, under.

就像通常一样,梭罗150年前的文字今天读来仍然馥郁。As always, Thoreau's words are as poignant today as they were 150 years ago.

电影里悲情的一刻是其中一个人物的早夭。A poignant moment in the movie is the untimely death of one of the characters.

当时听完这句话,觉得有针刺了一下心脏,痛切心扉。When listening to these words, I feel that needle a bit heart, poignant heart.

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我看中央政策研究室的这个简报,问题比国务院的简报揭露得要尖锐。I think this report is more poignant than a comparable one from the State Council.

在常规化的服务工作既有尖锐和荒谬的后果。The routinization of service work has both poignant and preposterous consequences.

电影里播放了一个特别辛酸的画面,坎宁汉姆先生坦言自己从未开始过一段恋情。In an especially poignant scene, he admits that he has never had a romantic relationship.

为什么穿越千年的光阴,却依然会是如此凄美?Why does the photocathode through the millennium, but it will continue to be so poignant?

爱情原来是凄美的吞噬,但愿我的身体容得下你,永不分离。Love is a poignant swallowed the original, I hope my body big enough for you, never separated.

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但听说肯尼迪参议员的敬酒词比前一晚的更加辛酸感人。But it is known that Senator Kennedy gave a toast more poignant than the one the previous evening.

充满说服力的性质研究,漫画和尖锐的短文,做表面自由形式风格。Full of cogent character studies, comic and poignant vignettes , done in seemingly free-form style.

他正中要害的描述引发了国际轰动,还得到哈佛大学的垂青。His poignant descriptions became an international sensation and caught the eye of Oxford University.