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但沉默不意指默认。But silence didn't imply consent.

那么,这对中国意味着什么?So what does this imply for China?

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快活并不总是意味着幸福。Cheerfulness doesn't always imply happiness.

这对HDCP安全意味着什么?What does the leak imply for HDCP's security?

这并没有暗示任何其他人的事情。It does not imply anything about other people.

斜线意味着运动、行动和变化。Oblique lines imply movement, action and change.

医生与护士身穿白色代表着洁净无菌。Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility.

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或者假装他们想要的性伴侣暗示暗示。Imply the kind of sexual partner they might want.

第十段中,下划线的霍瓦特所说的话意味着什么?What do Horvath's underlined words in Para 10 imply?

也就是说,每三个农民供应一个城市居民。That would imply three farmers for each city dweller.

挂在嘴边的阿肋路亚并不一定意味着信仰。Hallelujahs on the lips do not necessarily imply faith.

那个“如果”大得足以暗指这一次输掉的战役了。That "if" is big enough to imply this is a battle lost.

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这并不意味着中国同情卡扎菲政府。This doesn't imply that China sympathises with Gaddafi.

这些变化并不意味这城市大学开始走出泥潭。All this should not imply that CUNY is out of the woods.

线条蕴含着运动表示位置或方向。Lines imply motion and suggest direction or orientation.

有时候暗示的手臂的人血清白蛋白全金属片。Sometimes by the arm imply the whole metal piece of HSA.

这会不会暗示着飞速增长的中国时代的终结?Would that imply the end of China’s era of rapid growth?

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这可以暗示一种厌世的或者“少跟我装蒜”的态度。This may imply world-weariness or a no-bullshit attitude.

做婚检是一种不信任对方的表现。And the check-ups imply you don't trust your 'other half'.

然而,那并不以为着你只是一个简单的说笑的人。However, that's not to imply that you're simply a jokester.