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他跟银匠师傅拜师学艺。He was apprenticed to a master silversmith.

他在一名银匠师傅手下当了10年学徒。He apprenticed for ten years under a master silversmith.

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通常,这些标志中一个或两个才代表银器的制作匠或艺术家。Usually, only one or two of these silver hallmarks are the actual makers marks of the silversmith or artist.

他的名气和财富都缘于他精湛的打制首饰和银器的手艺。His name and fortune all come from his professional excellence as a silversmith . He makes jewelry and silverware.

在完善细节,银匠是诱人的,但它们削弱了明确的涩有远见的讯问。The refined details of a silversmith are seductive but they are undercut by an astringent clear-sighted questioning.

这是一种罕见的优雅对法国银蜡台在督风格大师银匠雷皮埃尔费里尔。A rare and elegant pair of French silver candlesticks in the Directoire style by master silversmith Rene-Pierre Ferrier.

他目前在澳大利亚国立大学攻读金工银器及首饰的博士学位。He is now pursuing a PhD in Goldsmith, Silversmith and Jewellery at Australian National University of Canberra, Australia.

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与偶像吗?偶像是工匠铸造,金匠再包上金子,然后再铸银鍊围起来。Hath the workman cast a graven statue? or hath the goldsmith formed it with gold, or the silversmith with plates of silver?

狄公率众军头突袭沙府,果然,在后堂的地窖中找到了失踪银匠的尸身。Sha Tau army raid mobilize people Digong House, as expected, in the cellar after the Church found the bodies of missing silversmith.

为了家族的名誉,木雅府上的老夫人暗中把康珠托付给了从汉地来的银匠李银山。For familial reputation, the old madam of wooden elegant you home paid the silversmith Li Yinshan that comes from Chinese ground Kangzhutuo in the dark.

一个基本工具,材料指南,和银匠技术包括用于创建碗,托盘,餐具的程序的讨论,和其他物品。A guide to the basic tools, materials, and techniques of the silversmith includes discussions of the procedures for creating bowls, trays, flatware, and other items.

作为一个银器工艺艺术家,我沉浸于运用以及学习银和其它材质的制作技术,通过传统的金工技艺来表达我对手工艺术以及新创意的探索与传承。As a silversmith I have spent time learning the traditional skills involved in working with silver and other materials to create work that explores and celebrates the ideas of traditional craft.