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棉区需要更多降雨以缓解旱情。Much more rainfall will be needed before droughty conditions are alleviated.

水资源是干旱地区社会经济发展的最大瓶颈。Water resources are the biggest choke point of social and economical development in droughty areas.

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晚更新世晚期开始,由于气候逐渐变干,艾比湖不断萎缩。Owing to climate was being droughty from terminal late Pleistocene, so Aibihu Lake ceaselessly shrank.

石膏作为干旱气候和闭塞环境的标志,广泛存在于第三系红层之中。The gypsum that is a symbol of droughty climate and occlusive environment is extensive in Neogene Red Clay.

主要的地表铜矿物是氯铜矿,为干旱气候条件下含盐盆地的产物。The main copper mineral is atacamite on the surface, which form on droughty climate conditions in salt basin.

烯啶虫胺在干旱无水的麦田使用,药效不能完全发挥,对灰飞虱的杀伤力不强。The efficacy of nitenpyram was not good when it was used in droughty wheat fields because nitenpyram could not act completely.

针对干旱区域制定的节水改造规划就是水资源可持续利用的主要战略措施。The implement of water saving rebuild programming in northern droughty areas is an important measure for sustainable use of water.

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陕、甘、宁三省干旱的自然环境,决定了其农田水利建设的重要性。The droughty natural environment of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces determined the importance of their irrigation and water conservancy.

此外,并以断水处理来了解牛樟苗面临乾旱环境时的生理表现。Furthermore, I also conducted a water-withholding experiment to see the physiological responses of the cutting seedlings under droughty condition.

位于塔里木盆地南缘干旱及风沙区的新疆和田绿洲,生态环境极其脆弱。Located in droughty and windy desert region of south edge of Tarimu basin, the Hetian oasis of XinJiang, is extremely frail for its ecological environment.

当前我国的水资源形势不容乐观,尤其在北方干旱地区,已经成为经济发展的重要制约因素。The status of water quantity in our country, especially in northern droughty areas, is not optimistic. It has become the restrictive factor of economic development.

其中显示了加利福尼亚的西内华达山在公元800年至1300年间气候干旱,野火频仍。A 3,000-year record from 52 of the world's oldest trees shows that California's western Sierra Nevada was droughty and often fiery from 800 to 1300, according to new research.

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豇豆是一种适合于我国南北方栽培的蔬菜,由于其具有高度的营养价值,深受广大消费者喜爱,而干旱却时常影响着豇豆的生产。Vigna sinensis Endl is one of vegetables of which is fit to culture in upland. Many people like it because it has rich nutrition. However, droughty often effects on its producing.

植被条件差的寒漠、戈壁、干旱河滩地日蒸散低,其中大部分区域蒸散发量为零或接近零。Forest, prairie and grassland, irrigated field have higher daily evaporation, while cold desert, Gobi and droughty riverside land have low daily evaporation, some of which reach to 0.

作为传统民居之一的窑洞,对干旱气候和多种地形的适应性充分体现出生态建筑的特征。As part of traditional local style house, the cave dwelling which adapts to the droughty climate and multi landform fully embodies the characteristic of the traditional ecological building.

传统的钻进工艺要消耗大量的地表水,在干旱缺水地区钻探经常会遇到缺水问题。A lot of surface water will be consumed in the course of drilling when adopting traditional drilling technology, and the trouble of water shortage often occurs when drilling in droughty area.

因此可以推断,中国北方,特别是干旱荒漠区,大气气溶胶主要来自沙尘天气过程引起的地面沙尘释放。According to the results above, in the northern China, especially in droughty and desert regions, the atmospheric aerosol mainly comes from the sand which is come into being with the dust weather.

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西北干旱荒漠区盐胀溶陷灾害对工程建设的影响较大,但由于技术、资金等原因,对该类型灾害的研究还非常欠缺。Effects of sink hazards on engineering construction are very important in droughty hungriness areas in western China. Little is known about this kind of hazard owing to lack of techniques and funds.

新疆是我国主要的干旱地区之一,土壤的沙化、盐渍化严重,而玉米生育期内需水量较大,对盐碱也很敏感,干旱、盐碱已成为制约新疆玉米扩大面积、提高产量的重要因素。Xinjiang is one of the main droughty areas, the erosion of sand and salt soil are serious. However, the maize in growth stage needs large amount of water, and maize is very sensitive to salt-stress.

本研究利用不同的遮荫处理,探讨牛樟苗在屏东地区较乾热的季节,是否因遮荫而对其生理及生长有所帮助。Therefore, I conducted two series of shade experiments to test if shading can improve the growth and physiological activities of this species under relatively hot and droughty season in Pingtung area.