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明天会是新的一天的!Torrow is a nother day!

你还想再要一杯吗?。Would you like a nother one?

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我吃患上如此之饱,我感觉我再吃一口肚子就要胀破了。Im so full tht I would burst with nother bite.

那就是讨厌,那是另一个级别上的我。Now that's hate. That's me on a whole ' nother level.

没有谁比别人对明天更有把握。No, man more certain than nother of man is more tomorrow.

我们才只有两根萝卜,怎能捱到上京?We just have two carrots, how can we afford going Nother ?

第三个投资者死了,但是他的侄子认为他会帮忙。Then there was Sex nother but he died although his nephew thought he mightkhelp.

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另一个常见的问题是缺少有用的概念数据模型工具。A nother common problem is that useful conceptual data modeling tools do not exist.

“丰田标志有一个整个的圈在里面”,吉利的发言人没有这么说。"The Toyota logo has a whole ' nother ring in it, " Geely spokespeople did not say.

当这些反应物被放在一起时,常发生一些我们不希望有的反应。Reaction nother than the desired one often occur when reactants are brought together.

另一位则大发牢骚,15披索只能买一个小面包和一片火腿,根本无法取代一顿热饭。A nother grumbled that 15 pesos would buy only a bun and a slice of ham and was no substitute for a hot meal.

如果处理还没完成,则长的运行程序就被中断了,把它移到队伍的末端,等待下一轮再运行。If not, however, the long running program is interrupted and moved to the end of the queue to wait a nother turn.

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那么,如果因为瘸拐你不能自个儿走上战场,而靠另一个人的帮助你却可能时怎么办呢?How then, if being lame thou canst not mount up on the battlements alone, but with the help of a nother it is possible?

比别人优越并无任何高贵之处,真正的高贵在于超越从前的自我!There is nother noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.

照往常一样,家庭的创伤已经愈合,母亲又开始与父亲说话了,我也继续写诗,但是我没敢拿给父亲看。Inevitably the family wounds healed. My nother began talking to my father again. I even began writing poetry again, though I dared not expose it to my father.

一个诺特尔好建议,礼貌华尔街绿洲,是实际投资于市场,在你发表评论,位置,哪怕只是几元钱。A nother good piece of advice, courtesy of wall street oasis, is to actually invest in the market and in positions that you'll comment on , even if it's just a few dollars.

踩着别人的脚印,不如开辟自己的领土,撞到南墙也决不回头,谁说爱好这件事成不了大事,没有做不成的梦,只有不早醒的人。On nother people's footprints, as open their own territory, hit the south wall and never look back, who say love it is nothing, nothing is impossible dreams, only to wake up early.

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以上海市高架道路交通管理系统为背景,介绍了城市快速路交通管理系统应具备的一般功能和框架组成,讨论了系统框架中涉及的几个主要子系统和算法模型。Based on Shanghai Elevated Road Traffic Management System, this paper describes an urban freeway traffic management system, which can be used for reference in a nother similar system.

那篇文章还谈到放在屋子里的洋葱和大蒜在多年前的黑死病中救了很多人的命。A nother thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placedaround the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They havepowerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.

那篇文章还谈到放在屋子裡的洋葱和大蒜在多年前的黑死病中救了很多人的命。A nother thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.