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什么是单轨火车?What is a monorail?

单轨小车是一种配套设备。Monorail trolley is a kind of ancillary facilities.

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在拉斯维加斯的单轨电车站,很多都是以赌场命名。Many of the stops on Las Vegas's monorail are named after casinos.

介绍了跨座式单轨列车的结构特点。The features of structure for the straddling monorail train are introduced.

MonoRail被极大的改善,添加了缓存支持和JS生成。MonoRail was improved greatly with the addition of cache support and JS generation.

每处高地都设单轨铁路系统实现人们便捷的平面移动。Each plateau will also have a monorail system which will help move people laterally.

独特的框架结构和室内单轨索道让它成为一个现代建筑杰作。Its unique a-frame design and indoor monorail station makes it a modern masterpiece.

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重庆市跨坐式单轨交通系统是国家西部大开发的重点工程之一。Chongqing monorail system is one of the key projects in the development of west China.

李金明谈到,他曾考虑在园区内建一条小型铁路,但事实证明这个想法太难实现。Mr. Lee says he once considered building a monorail but the idea proved too difficult.

一个通往吉隆坡的单轨铁路车站也计划在这里修建。A monorail station connected to the Kuala Lumpur Monorail is also planned to be built here.

根据动力学方程的特征根分析了跨坐式独轨车辆转向架的运动稳定性。Based on the equation eigenvalue, the stability of the straddle-type monorail car has been studied.

跨座式单轨交通平移式道岔是针对重庆市单轨交通线路开发的一种新型道岔设备。Translational Switch in Straddle-Monorail is a new type of switch designed for Chongqing monorail line.

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介绍了锚杆悬吊单轨条件下,对单轨吊车载荷进行现场测定的一种方法。This paper introduces under bolt hangs overhead monorail, overhead monorail Load is surveyed on-the-spot.

分析结果表明跨坐式独轨车辆的转向架存在不稳定的蛇行运动,其临界速度取决于转向架本身的结构及参数。It has been shown that there is unstable hunting in the monorail car which inheres with the bogie structure.

雅加达市市长已承诺要多修一些专用车道以及一条单轨和地铁线以解决当地的交通问题。Jakarta's governor has promised to tackle the traffic problem by building more busways, a monorail and a subway.

在官方宣布有两列火车在迪斯尼世界的魔术王国地区相撞后,一个火车司机被宣告死亡。A train operator has died after officials say two monorail cars crashed in the Magic Kingdom section of the Walt Disney World.

手动单梁起重机系由桥梁,大车传动机构,手动单轨行车等主要部分组成。Manual Single-beam Crane is configured by crane span structure, cart driving device and manual monorail car and other major parts.

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由于跨座式单轨车辆相关技术一直以来被日本所垄断,而在我国针对跨座式单轨车辆的研究尚处于起步阶段。Our country is at the beginning on research straddle-type monorail vehicle, for the related technologies were monopolized by Japan.

本公司是一家专业从事设计、制造各类钢板起重钳、手拉手推单轨行车等系列产品的现代企业。It is a moder corporation, which professionally designs and manufactures various lifting clamp of steel-plate, hand monorail crane, etc.

跨座式单轨交通与常见的轮轨式相比,有其显著的特点和优势。Comparing with the common wheel-rail transportation, the straddle-type monorail transportation has its remarkable features and advantages.