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她试图把桃树嫁接在李树上。She tried to engraft a peach on a plum.

她试图把桃树嫁接在梨树上。She tried to engraft a peach on a plum.

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让我占有,而她们享受,你的爱。As he takes from you, I engraft you new.

他试图给他的孩子灌输他的思想。He attempted to engraft his idea in the mind of his children.

繁殖常用扦插。嫁接和压条繁殖,也可播种。Commonly used cuttage, engraft and layering are progenitive, also can sow.

为了对你的爱我将与时间争战,他摧毁你,我却会把你的青春重新唤醒。And all in war with time for love of you, As he takes from you, I engraft you new.

这虽然是一个挑战,但至少目前为止,还没有看到SNS嫁接之后能够成功。Although this is a challenge, but at least at present till, had not seen can succeed after SNS engraft.

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通过尾静脉输注肺间充质干细胞能够减轻博莱霉素诱导的小鼠肺损伤。When infused into mice that have been given bleomycin, they can engraft in lungs and protect lung from injury.

近年来,研究显示干细胞能分化成心肌细胞,从而给治疗缺血性心脏病带来希望。Recently, stem cells have shown the ability to engraft in areas of myocardial damage, differentiate into cardiomyocytes.

此外,干细胞移入异位内膜组织这种能力可能暗示了这种疾病的起因和进展。Additionally the ability of stem cells to engraft endometriosis has implications for the origin and progression of this disease.

总的来看,干细胞在细胞治疗的应用前景巨大,但它移植入实体组织的能力较差。In summary, stem cells have an enormous potential in cell therapy, however their ability to engraft in solid tissues remains low.