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利用RT-PCR方法检测小鼠胸腺异位基因表达水平。The level of promiscuous gene expression was detected by RT-PCR.

如果说有什么东西是我厌恶的,那我厌恶随意廉价的性行为。If there is one thing I don't like it is cheap and promiscuous sex.

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这绝对是在混淆视听,是假新闻。This is absolutely in promiscuous seeing and hearing, it is false news.

由这种混杂而繁衍产生了一个现叫作美国人的种族。From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have arisen.

男人真的是心底里都希望和女人不带感情牵绊的乱搞吗?Did all men secretly want their women promiscuous and emotionally detached?

做人别滥情,爱一个就行。遇人就想爱,伤心会很疼。Do not promiscuous life, love one. To meet people to love, sorrow will be hurt.

“华丽细尾鹪鹩”是一种体型娇小,经常更换交配的产于澳大利亚的小鸟。Splendid fairy-wrens are small, sexually promiscuous birds native to Australia.

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激增且混乱的云服务、创新、混搭和云资源的消费……massive proliferation and promiscuous consumption of Cloud services. Innovation.

做人别滥情,爱一个就行。遇人就想爱,伤心会很疼。Do not promiscuous life, love on the line. Case of people wanted to love, sorrow will be hurt.

因为许多的美国议员对于联邦政府胡乱的印刷美元怨声载道。Various state legislators are disgusted by the federal government’s promiscuous dollar-printing.

由MHC多肽性引起的问题可由运用不加区别的T细胞表位来解决。Problems caused by MHC polymorphism may be circumvented by the use of promiscuous T-cell epitopes.

生物学家几十年来一直宣称,选择性伴侣时,男性随便而女性挑剔。Males are promiscuous and females are selective when choosing a mate, biologists have said for decades.

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“浪漫”这一外来词已为中国语言所吸收,但是,其涵意却是混乱的两性关系。The foreign word "romance" has been taken into the Chinese language and means promiscuous sexual relations.

男人们经常谈论作风不检点的女孩子,但他们并非欣赏她们的为人,也很少与之结婚。Fellows talk about promiscuous girls, but they aren’t interested in them|as people — and they seldom marry one.

把级别混淆的抽油杆管下入井下,将导致杆管断裂、脱落等事故。Lowering sucker rods and tubings with promiscuous grades may cause breaking or parting of rod or tubing strings.

她还加增她的淫行,追念她幼年在埃及地行邪淫的日子。Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.

1976年发布的一项调查表明376名被采访的年轻成年人中只有60人是滥交的。A survey published in 1976 reported that only 60 out of the 376 young adults interviewed were genuinely promiscuous.

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这些成为年轻爸爸的男孩可能继承了他们父亲缺乏责任感以及混乱的生活行为的特点。Those boys that become young fathers may have inherited noncommittal, promiscuous behaviour from their absent fathers.

过去的研究已经显示,子宫内所暴露的睾丸激素,能够使人类和类人猿变得更好斗和滥情。Past studies have shown that exposure to testosterone in the womb can make humans and apes more aggressive and more promiscuous.

如果你想知道在更新世的热带稀树草原,女人的滥交程度,看男人身体相对于他睾丸尺寸大小的比率就知道了。If you want to know how promiscuous females were on the Pleistocene savanna, look at the size ratio of the male to his testicles.