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还有调整后利润Adjusted earnings.

他喝酒喝掉了一半收入。He drinks half his earnings.

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每股收益是什么What are earnings per share?

他把挣的钱全花光。He has spent all his earnings.

她挣来的钱都花在衣服上了。All her earnings go on clothes.

他的薪金收入每年达五千英镑。His earnings come to £5,000 a year.

未分配盈余将被忽略。Undistributed earnings are ignored.

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但他们从来没有给她加过薪酬。But they never increased her earnings.

日能公司业绩公报在星期二披露。SunPower will report earnings Tuesday.

租金一项就占去他一半的收入。The rent gobbles up half his earnings.

这里还有"每股收益"There are also the earnings per share.

但盈利可能正在失去后劲。But earnings may be losing their steam.

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七月二十五日Infineon宣布收益。Infineon announces earnings on July 25.

她只花了所赚的钱的一小部分。She spends only a fraction of her earnings.

然后从三个方面仔细研究了收益情况。They then dissected earnings in three ways.

他们吸纳了海吉拉斯五分之四的收入。They pocket four-fifths of hijras' earnings.

Interdigital在八月早些时候报告收益。Interdigital reports earnings in early August.

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这个捐献每年生可使用的利息所得。Spendable earnings accrue on the gift annually.

美国铝业是在股票市场收市后发布业绩消息的。Alcoa released earnings after the market closed.

消息来自今晚THQ第一季度的收益报告。The news came from tonight's Q1 THQ earnings call.