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没有自许为正统的理论可以长时间的不受挑战。No would-be orthodoxy goes unchallenged for long.

但是,一束失败的光影仍比未经受挑战的黑暗更有价值。But a light that fails is still better than unchallenged darkness.

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他们不会放过你这些古怪的念头的。They will not allow your more way -out ideas to pass unchallenged.

但是,即使在这次会上,这些理论也并非没有争议。Still, even at this meeting those theories did not go unchallenged.

几个世纪以来,亚里士多德的权威似乎无可动摇。For centuries, Aristotle's authority seemed to go virtually unchallenged.

这样一来,履行原来的“君子协定”自然就不成问题了。Come so, fulfill original " a gentleman's agreement " nature is unchallenged.

在我们全球经济中,我们将在其中一个相互依赖的分等级的次序中移动。Not long ago the United States stood unchallenged at the top of the world's economic hierarchy.

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委员会的研究结果事实上使苏联对美国在大举力运载火箭能力上处于领先地位。The board's finding would, in effect, leave the Soviet Union unchallenged in heavy-lift capability.

人们对亚当斯和他的同事们关于这些发现的解释并非没有异议。Adams and his colleagues’ interpretation of these plethsymograph findings have not gone unchallenged.

那男孩没有怨言地接受了对他的处罚。I would no longer uncomplainingly accept their barbs or allow their unaccountable power to go unchallenged.

我不会再毫无怨言地洗耳恭听他们带刺的话,或让他们的不负责任的权力不受到挑战。I would no longer uncomplainingly accept their barbs or allow their unaccountable power to go unchallenged.

这只会迫使持那些观点的人们走向边缘,其结果是他们的信念加深,也不会受到挑战。They simply drive people with those ideas to the fringes, where their convictions can deepen, unchallenged.

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公元前29年,屋大维班师回到罗马,此时已身为罗马帝国至高无上的统治者。Octavian returned triumphantly to Rome in 29 BC as unchallenged master of the whole of the Roman territories.

对于那些关心民治政府的人来说,公众理解力的削弱不能不受到质疑。For those who care about government by the people, the decline in public understanding cannot be unchallenged.

在中国,如何维持国家经济的高速增长和维护党的那些不可挑战性原则是至关重要的。In China, it is seen as crucial to sustaining the country’s economic growth and the party’s unchallenged rule.

几个月以来,人们都在批判教条主义,却放过了修正主义。Over the last few months, people have been criticizing dogmatism but have allowed revisionism to go unchallenged.

当贝氏的下台初露端倪的时候,他掌控的强大的宣传机器就已经开动了。That his unchallenged propaganda machine was already at work at the time of his resignation can be easily illustrated.

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人们不同意你的所行,而更可能懒散地进入一个没有多少挑战的意识中。People you disagree with are what gets you going, rather than idly going through an unchallenged stream of consciousness.

甚至在各国海军在海盗黄金时代晚期所向霹雳之时,黑巴特的舰船依然不可战胜。Even as navies started to crack down toward the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, Black Bart's gunboats were left unchallenged.

四开6卷出版1776年和1788年之间的第一,它是独立存在,并受到挑战的全面性,丰富性和深度。First published in six quarto volumes between 1776 and 1788, it stands alone and unchallenged in its comprehensiveness, richness and depth.