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这算是罪孽吗?Are these sins?

他宽恕罪恶。He forgives sins.

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她赎罪。She atoned her sins.

我的身上、我的罪愆。On all my sins and me.

她依次数说她的罪恶。She recounted her sins.

她述说了他的罪恶。She recounted his sins.

我正在忏悔我的罪恶,跟你。I’m confessing my sins. To you.

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我们的罪驱使耶稣走上十字架。Our sins drove Jesus to the cross.

神应许要洗清我们的罪。God promises to wash away our sins.

神父赦免了他的罪过。The priest absolved him of his sins.

不其它的罪恶悲哀你吗?Do not the sins of others sadden you?

他悔罪后如释重负。He disburdened by confessing his sins.

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我的罪孽和罪过有多少呢。How many are mine iniquities and sins?

愿上帝宽恕你的罪过。May God grant you pardon for your sins.

借著他为我们的罪流血舍命。Through his shedding blood for our sins.

他为我们做了挽回祭。He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

杀害三条生命会亵渎神灵。And sacrilege, three sins in killing three.

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我身上的罪孽已经够重了。I have committed enough sins in this world.

上帝选择不因我们的罪而责怪我们。God chooses not to hold our sins against us.

良好的分层可以带来许多好处。Good layering can cover a multitude of sins.