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千万不要混淆黑白。Never juggle black and white.

一心二用,同时进行两项工作。Juggle two tasks at the same time.

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科学不容许你一点玄虚。Science won't let you juggle a bit.

不要骗你老爸了,儿子。Don't juggle with your old Daddy,son.

永远学着在山边玩杂耍Always learn to juggle on the side of the hill

不要再玩文字游戏了,我知道你是什么意思。Don't juggle with words any more. I know what you mean.

所以我认为他们必须同时处理许多事情。So I think they have to juggle many balls once at a time.

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制造商必须能够应付各种需求。Manufacturers must be able to juggle demands of all kinds.

他们要竭尽全力的去应付家庭和工作。They’d exhaust themselves trying to juggle family and work.

汽车制造商往往需要满足顾客各种互相冲突的需求。Auto makers, as is often the case, must juggle competing demands.

有四支球队杂耍需要掌握三个俱乐部变戏法。Juggling with four clubs requires mastering the three-club juggle.

了解如何在这个自由耍弄杂技技巧初学者两个球视频。Learn how to juggle two ball in this free beginner juggling tricks video.

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当你仅仅在抽象的层面上耍弄知识,你只能构建很少的知识连结。When you juggle ideas only at an abstract level, you make fewer connections.

我非常的怨老天为何如此对我,让我忙里忙外身心疲惫。I am very why blame God for me, let me juggle mental and physical exhaustion.

我十二岁是,我学会了在沙土丘边用橘子杂耍。When I was 12, I learned to juggle on the side of a gravel hill with oranges.

我们当中的许多人都尝试尽力去应对事物,并且无时无刻在寻找生活中的一些平衡。Many of us try to juggle things and endlessly search for some kind of balance in life.

当我们试图兼顾工作,打理人际关系,照顾孩子时,常常感到疲惫。Fatigue hits us all at times, as we try to juggle work, relationships, and our children.

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即使基民盟和基社盟能篡改政府职责,他们也必须阻止经济继续下滑。The CDU and CSU must arrest their slide even as they juggle the responsibilities of government.

我们生活在一个快节奏的世界,这是不可避免的兼顾多个任务在一个单一的时间。We live in a fast-paced world and it is inevitable to juggle more than one task in a single time.

你连股票是怎么回事都不知道,还想在纽约股票市场上玩花招。You can’t juggle the New York Stock Market without having knowledge about how stocks really work.