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食管本体的蠕动受迷走神经支配。Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.

文献报道迷走传入直接或间接投射至多个脑区。Vagal afferents project directly or indirectly to several brain areas.

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迷走神经和体液刺激被是引起分泌的原因。The stimuli believed to be responsible for secretion are vagal and humoral.

外侧群动脉供应延髓网状结构、脊丘束和迷走神经背核等。The lateral group supplies reticular formation, spinothalamic tract and dorsal vagal nucleus.

适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏。Adequate doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole.

通常认为迷走神经主要参与食管生理功能的调节。Generally, it is believed that vagal nerves take part in the regulation of esophageal physiology.

这些结果仅提示,蛙皮素的抗溃疡作用可能部分地通过它对迷走中枢紧张性的抑制。These results suggest thatbombesin might exert its effect partly through the inhibition on vagal tone.

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说明PTCA术后交感神经活性降低,迷走神经活性增强。It suggested that the sympathetic activity was diminished and the vagal activity was raised after PTCA.

RUPV靠近心外膜的脂肪垫,而脂肪垫内有支配心房的迷走神经节及节后纤维。Meanwhile, RUPV is very close to the epicardial fat pads thereby the efferent vagal innervation to atria.

抗胆碱药作用于气道平滑肌上的特定毒蕈碱受体,以抑制迷走张力。Anticholinergics act by blocking muscarinic receptors in the smooth muscle of the airways and inhibiting vagal tone.

表明植物神经对房室传导有较大影响,而尤以迷走神经的影响为著。The results show that atrioventricular conduction is considerably influenced by autonomic nerves, especially by vagal.

本文并对迷走张力改变致优势起搏点位移的原因进行了探讨。We have also discussed the cause of the shift of the dominant pacemaker of SN induced by the chang of the vagal tension.

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DMV和孤束核、最后区一起构成了“迷走感觉运动中枢”。The DMV together with the solitary tract nucleus and the area postrema form the so-called vagal sensory and motor center.

神经性休克常见于T2-5受伤,从而导致SVR降低,肌收缩力降低和迷走神经张力增加。Neurogenic shock is common in T2-5 injuries, resulting in a decrease in SVR, decreased inotropism, and increased vagal tone.

为观察迷走和交感神经对蟾蜍心室肌细胞跨膜电位的影响,以微电极技术引导心室肌细胞电位。The effects of vagal and sympathetic nerves on the transmembrane potentials of cardiac ventricular cells of toad were observed.

迷走神经鞘瘤是一种良性肿瘤,可以表现为声音嘶哑或咳嗽,然而大部分病人没有症状。Vagal schwannomas are benign tumors that may present with hoarseness or cough, however the majority of patients are asymptomatic.

这些结果提示在绵羊,消化道的迷走神经支配调节进食头期的胰岛素分泌。These results indicate that the vagal innervation of the gut mediates insulin release during the cephalic phase of feeding in sheep.

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而且面叶和迷走叶中细胞形态和核团分布差异也较大。Moreover, cell morphology and nuclear distribution of facial lobe and vagal lobe in the three kinds of catfishes are different significantly.

结果说明臂旁核和迷走神经背核簇尾侧部之间有许多交互联系。The result indicates that there are many reciprocal connections between the parabrachial nucleus and caudal portion of the dorsal vagal complex.

在冠脉正常和狭窄条件下,观察了电刺激犬膈上迷走神经的作用。The hemodynamic effects of electrical stimulation on vagal nerve above diaphragm were studied in dogs with stenotic coronary artery and normal dogs.