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但这一切基本上是迷梦和狂想。But all this was essentially lunacy.

浮士德的精神失常,认为他可以骗过魔鬼。Faustus's lunacy in thinking he can overreach the devil.

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这些没有束缚的桎梏,缠绕在淫欲和错乱中。These bonds are shackle free, wrapped in lust and lunacy.

不过,声明没有已知的臭氧医疗用途是什么精神病短十足。However, stating ozone has no known medical uses is nothing short of sheer lunacy.

尽管有了最新的研究成果,威尔斯并不知道是什么魔手在主导这一切。And despite the newfound numbers, Wells doesn't know what sort of lunacy is at play.

她亲眼看到,他已经站到发疯的边缘——如果说他还没有跨过那边缘处于疯狂状态的话。She saw that he stood on the verge of lunacy , if he had not already stepped across it.

说一个人是由于一个偶然的进化过程简直是风狂。To say that a human being is the result of an accidental evolutionary process is sheer lunacy.

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然而,仅仅是信念,对科学研究并无帮助。尽管有了最新的研究成果,威尔斯并不知道是什么魔手在主导这一切。Belief does not make for good science, however. And despite the newfound numbers, Wells doesn't know what sort of lunacy is at play.

他垂下手臂,往后弯腰闪避打来的拳头──这在当时被认为是极为愚蠢的防御动作。With arms lowered, he evaded punches by bending backwards at the waist --- a defensive move that at the time was seen as sheer lunacy.

全剧结束时,包括给男孩治病的精神病医生在内的所有人都精神失常了,那些马倒是除了瞎了几只眼睛之外什么大问题。When the drama comes to its close, lunacy rages over all in the madhouse including the psychopathists giving treatment to the boy, except for those blind horses.

一家中国公司正在和政府打官司,在当局已投机倒把为由关闭了他的卖月球土地的生意之后。Chinese company is fighting for the right to pitch plots of land on the moon for sale after authorities shut the scheme down on charges of profiteering and lunacy.

我可怜的朋友安德烈.巴姆布朗斯基,一位伦敦中部一所现已废弃的大学的前教授,在我看来患上了一种无实质性损害的精神错乱。My poor friend Andrei Bumblowski, formerly Professor of Philosophy in a now extinct university of Central Europe, appeared to me to suffer from a harmless kind of lunacy.

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该县自1994年实施婚前医学检查以来,就将精神疾病、心理障碍及遗传疾病列为重点项目。Since 1994, the antemarital medicine examination was carried out in Changdao County, the lunacy , psychology obstruction and descendiblity diseases had been important items.

论文不仅分析了造成这种“精神失常”的外部原因,而且深入到沈从文的内心世界,认为这是一种“绝望的抗战”的精神的表现。The thesis not only analyzes external causes for this "lunacy", but penetrates Shen Congwen's inner world, and holds that this is the representation of the spirit of "revolt against despair".