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年轻时丹宁强劲,成熟时优雅而圆润。Tannic when young, round and elegant if matured.

其中最强音是那怀旧的声音。The strongest note in its tannic brew is nostalgia.

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在产蛋鸡日粮中不要使用没食子酸和单宁酸。Do not feed gallic acid or tannic acid to laying hens.

慕利斯生产一种柔和的红酒,比利斯塔克略为具有收缩感。Moulis produces a velvety red wine, less tannic than Listrac.

其单宁结构使得酒质容易被长期熟成进而更为成熟。Its tannic structure makes it apt to be laid down for long ageing.

酒体适中,浓郁的单宁口味一直延续到回味之中。Medium-bodied and endowed with some tannic intensity in its flavors.

多种单宁酸种类,非常棒的玫瑰香风格。Tannic variety that has suprisingly has produced a wonderful style of rose.

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葡萄酒的特色是圆滑,高雅和丹宁结构细腻。Smoothness, elegance and finesse of tannic structure characterize our wines.

酒体丰腴而醇厚,在成熟洋李与新皮革味道口感中可明显感觉到单宁的层次感。Rich and full bodied with ripe plums new leather and a good tannic structure.

波尔山坡的葡萄酒就着强烈的果香而且收缩感强。The wine from Côtes de Bourg is quite tannic with strong aromas of red fruits.

淳厚爽口的丹宁酸标志着此酒完全酿造成熟。The sincere tasty tannic acid symbolized this liquor completely brews maturely.

铁杉,铁杉木这些树的木料,用作木材、木浆及丹宁酸的原料。The wood of such trees, used as a source of lumber, wood pulp, and tannic acid.

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具梅子和草莓酱的香味丰富了该酒的口感,拥有令人惊叹的单宁结构。Plum and strawberry jam notes. Very ample, fleshy with an amazing tannic structure.

从五倍子中提取单宁酸,通过正交实验优化筛选出最佳工艺。To study the optimal process of the extraction of tannic acid from Chinese gallnut.

1988年份酒包括颜色较深的卡本妮和梅洛,酒体优雅,单宁味浓郁。The 1988s are deeply coloured Cabernets and Merlots, powerfully structured and tannic.

柿子中含有较多的鞣酸不利于通便,应避免食用。More tannic acid is contained to go against in persimmon aperient, should avoid edible.

当香蕉成熟之后,虽然已尝不出涩味了,但鞣酸的成分仍然存在。When ripe bananas although has tasted a acerbity but the tannic acid composition still exists.

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带有明显咸味、酸味或苦味的食物会使葡萄酒似乎显得更甜和弱化单宁。Foods with a prominent salty, sour or bitter taste will make a wine seem sweeter and less tannic.

单宁酸属水解类单宁,是具有重要开发利用价值的天然产物。Tannic acid, a typical vegetable tannin, is a very valuable natural product used for wild fields.

这个过程中葡萄皮中的单宁成分和色素进入发酵汁中。It is the period when the tannic elements and the color of the skin diffuse in the fermented juice.