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在孵化网箱内进行鱼苗培育。Culture the fry in the hatchery cages.

养殖业也是通霄的重要产业。Fish hatchery is also an important industry in Tunghsiao.

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是李文次国家鱼类孵卵所的所长。L Jensen is manager of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery.

艾尔。简森是里弗沃斯国家鱼类孵卵所的经理。Al Jensen is manager of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery.

这个技能在那4个幼虫被消耗之前不能再释放在基地上。The ability cannot be used again on that Hatchery until those 4 larva have spawned.

于是在60年前,美国政府建立了孵卵所,为其提供人工帮助。So 60 years ago, the U.S. government established a hatchery to give them some human help.

从野外捕获的性已经发育成熟的中华鲟保存在孵化设备里,为繁殖提供所需的卵。Sexually mature sturgeons taken from the wild are kept at the hatchery to provide eggs for breeding.

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你可以设定基地的集结点,也可以为单独的卵设定集结点覆盖它。You can set a rally for your hatchery , but can then override it with manual orders per egg as well.

这样可以帮助钓鱼人区别野生与放流的鱼,也可以帮助渔政部门保护野生虹鳟。Clipping the adipose fin helps distinguish hatchery fish from wild fish when they are taken by anglers.

在孵化场使用活苗或灭活苗对1日龄雏鸡进行免疫效果有限。Day-old vaccinations in the hatchery with either live or killed products have been attempted with limited success.

是家禽、珍禽繁殖和中小型孵化场的理想孵化设备。It is the ideal incubation equipment for propagation of poultry and rare birds and small and medium-sized hatchery.

孵鱼场位于波利岬,所有人吉尔森将畸形归罪于附近夏果果园农夫所使用的农药。Hatchery owner Gwen Gilson blames chemicals used by macadamia farmers near her Boreen Point business for the deformities.

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这两只孤儿小熊以前从来没见过活鱼,但当活鱼到手,它们很快就知道该怎么处理。The orphaned cubs had never seen live fish, but quickly figured out what to do with the fish donated by a nearby hatchery.

这个鱼缸被用作淡水鱼的孵化器,蔬菜生长在上面的玻璃容器内。This version of hydroponics uses an aquarium as a hatchery for freshwater fish, while vegetables grow on top in glass pods.

渔业知识经济板块包括种源渔业和渔业信息及科技服务产业。And knowledge-based fishery sector covers hatchery fishery, fishery fishery information industry and fishery technology service industry.

一只玳瑁泅泳在马来西亚麻六甲州巴丹哥文丁海滩的孵育中心。A hawksbill turtle swims at its hatchery centre in Padang Kemunting Beach in Malaysia's state of Malacca in this February 8, 2007 file photograph.

一号-她的名字是玛德琳-终于回到座位,受到全场的喝采,戴著指派给他的鱼类养殖场员工的新徽章。Number One – her name was Madeline – returned, finally, amidst applause, to her seat, wearing the new badge that designated her Fish Hatchery Attendant.

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换句话说,基地一次最多只能保留4个额外的幼虫还是说你可以连续释放四次这个技能然后得到额外的16个幼虫?I guess what I am asking is if the hatchery can only spit out 4 extra larva at a time or if you can tell it to do it 4 times and have it spit out 16 larva?

秋天为孵卵所而采集的鱼卵将会在冬天得到孵化,第二年春天五十万左右的鱼苗将会被释放回到安大略湖。Eggs collected for the hatchery this fall will be raised over the winter and a half million fingerlings will be released back into Lake Ontario next spring.

虫族玩家还设置了毒爆虫之巢,但是当掩体完成建造时一名陆战队成功地掩体,在掩体的防护下陆战队可以毫无顾忌地突击孵化所。The Zerg player also sets down a baneling nest, as the bunker completes, and a single marine loads inside, protected so that it can freely attack the hatchery.