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这不是简单的不一致。It's not simple inconsistency.

因此,您可以看到不一致性。So you can see the inconsistency.

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是的,我们都是矛盾的存在.Yep, we are models of inconsistency.

他说的话并没有前后矛盾之处。There is no inconsistency in what he said.

这个论点前后矛盾,漏洞百出。This is an argument shot through with inconsistency.

深层挖掘来揭示体系架构的不一致性Digging deeper to reveal an architectural inconsistency

这种不一致只会影响验证检查。This inconsistency affects only the authorization check.

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宪兵队对这点矛盾有说明吗?Did the gendarmerie say anything about this inconsistency?

这太荒唐了,不过恰恰证明了裁判的前后矛盾。It's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing.

胆怯﹐做事不定﹐胆量小﹐容易作呕﹐吸收力差。Afraid, inconsistency at work, timid, nausea, poor absorbability.

我们为了信条中有太多不一致和动摇的地方而感到苦恼。We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.

避免了过去各个库之间存在数据重复输入和数据来源不一致的问题。Avoided the problem on inconsistency data sources due to the data re-input.

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有此一说”不一致性是大多数网球运动员的人性上的弱点。It's been said "Inconsistency is the Achilles' heel of most tennis players."

第二,六条次则的定义前后不一致。Second, there is inconsistency in Leech's definition of the sixpolite maxims.

不一致是否可接受取决于客户应用程序。Whether inconsistency is acceptable depends foremost on the client application.

他已经改变了主意,并预期这将是嘲弄他不一致的情况。Pud . That he has changed his mind and expects to be taunted for his inconsistency.

自从禅师重掌洛杉矶教鞭的那一天起就批评过喇嘛的不稳定。Head coach Phil Jackson has been chiding Odom's inconsistency since he arrived in L.

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以你们的失败评判你们,就是责怪季节更替为反复无常。To judge you by your failures is to cast blame upon the seasons for their inconsistency.

因此,形式主义与组织效率的改善是矛盾的。Consequently, ritualism can be as damaging to organizational effectiveness as inconsistency.

另外eMusic也有一些不统一的地方,因为一些专辑并不需要12点信用点。There is also some inconsistency here, as some albums don't yet feature the 12-credit price.