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威尼斯是更大的威尼托区地区的中心。Venice is the center of the larger region of Veneto.

我们还有从纽约街头到威尼托大街带来的有关选举的新闻摘要。We'll also have an election roundup from the streets of New York to the Via Veneto.

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大宫殿酒店是庄严的威尼托大街在罗马市中心,从历史遗迹、高端购物分钟。Grand Hotel Palace is on stately Via Veneto in central Rome, minutes from both historic sites and high-end shopping.

意大利威尼托大区的典型白葡萄品种,例如加格奈拉,白品诺,颂维翁布朗克和棠比内诺。Italian white grape varieties typical of the Veneto region, such as Garganega, Pinot Bianco, Sauvignon Blanc and Trebbiano.

我所居住的威内多地区,有著得天独厚的气候与地理条件,丰富的农产品在全义境内享有盛名。Due to its superb climate and geographical conditions, the agricultural products in Veneto area are famous and well appreciated all over Italy.

他的家族历史,他的生活都是与瓦杜比阿迪文化紧密结合的,维尼托就是生产普罗塞克的地区。His family history and his life's work are intertwined with the history and culture of Valdobbiadene, the region of the Veneto that produces Prosecco.

现已消亡的印欧语言,从在威尼托发现的公元前六至一世纪的简短碑铭中得知该语言的存在,可能属于古意大利语分支。An extinct Indo-European language known from short inscriptions in Veneto dating from the sixth to the first centuries b. c. and possibly belonging to the Italic branch.

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这个城市的大部分工人就业于旅游业及相关的行业,同时该城也在威尼托地区活跃的经济体系中起着主要的市场作用。Most of the city's workers find employment in tourism and related industries, though the city also plays a key market role within the vibrant economic system of the Veneto region.

可是,威尼托区的一些市民称这位不知姓名的保安是他们的英雄,因该地区居民与伊斯兰教移民的矛盾由来已久。However, the guard, whose name was not disclosed, was hailed as a hero by some in the Veneto region, where there has been tension between long-time residents and Islamic immigrants.

作为上赛季意乙联赛的第五名,由于排名靠前球队的违规行为,这支来自维内托地区的球队出乎意料的出现在了强手林立的顶级联赛中。After finishing fifth in Serie B last year, the team from the Veneto region surprisingly found themselves in the top-flight due to irregularities amongst clubs that finished above them.

最佳红葡萄酒酿酒商奖杯颁给了意大利威尼托产区的艾格尼家族,该品牌旗下阿玛罗尼红葡萄酒格调优雅,味道浓郁,一举斩获最佳经典红葡萄酒奖。In the Best Red Winemaker category, the trophy went to Allegrini of the Veneto region of Italy, whose stylish and bold Allegrini Amarone led the way with the award for Best Old World Red Wine.

普罗塞克葡萄主要是生长在意大利特雷维索省的威尼托葡萄酒产区,它是以高质量的葡萄栽培技术而世界闻名的。The Prosecco grape is grown primarily in the winegrowing regions of Veneto in Treviso province. The viticulture centers of Valdobiadene and Coneglia are known worldwide for their high-quality.

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艾格尼家族自16世纪以来在意大利威尼托地区葡萄酒酿造业中占有举足轻重的地位。Recognized internationally as Veneto's leading wine producer, the Allegrini family has played an important role in the history and development of Italy's Veneto area ever since the 16th century.