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森林总经济价值,又称森林的经济效益。Value of silvan total economy, weigh silvan economic benefits again.

大面积的森林全貌可以从一份图表中详尽地表示出来。The silvan panorama of large area is OK express in detail from inside a chart.

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这里的自然环境孕育着丰富的森林资源。The environment be pregnant with here is worn substantial silvan natural resources.

二是积极普及沼气池,改燃节柴,保护森林资源。It is to popularize firedamp pool actively, change bavin burning a red-letter day, protect silvan natural resources.

布雷顿森林体系以黄金为基础,以美元作为最主要的国际储备货币。Lay mines pauses silvan system is a foundation with gold lay in a money as the mainest international with the dollar.

结合广东林分结构与森林健康的分析,提出提高森林健康水平的建议。And, on basis of stand structure and silvan health in Guangdong Province, the opinion of improving silvan health was brought forward.

今后,市民到凤凰岭游玩,若不小心迷失山中,可向当地的森林消防队求援。Henceforth, the citizen arrives phoenix mountain amuse oneself, if hill of not careful loss is medium, can recourse to silvan fire department of place.

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“这个国家经济成功和政治稳定开始于19世纪中叶”,瑞士商务游说集团--经济人的一位研究员西尔万。利普说。The country's economic success and political stability began in the mid-1800s, said Silvan Lipp, a researcher at the Swiss business lobby group Economiseuisse.

自湖南张家界国家森林公园采集的15份土样中,分离获得32个暗色丝孢菌分离物,经鉴定分别属于15属中的19个种。A total of 32 isolates of soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes belonging to 19 species in 15 genera was found from 15 soil samples in Zhangjiajie National Silvan Park.

此时泡在温泉里,眺望着雪峰群山,观察近处松鼠在森林雪地觅食,感觉新奇有趣。Right now bubble is in hot spring, looking at Xue Feng group hill, observe vicinity squirrel forages in silvan snow ground, the feeling is fancy and interesting.

森林资源认证是鼓励森林资源经营组织开展可持续经营的一种有效工具。Attestation of silvan natural resources is to encourage silvan natural resources to manage an organization to develop a kind of when can manage continuously effective tool.

此前,凤凰岭直属中队也有一支30多人的森林消防队伍,但是没有正式编制,人员流动性比较大。Before this, the team of silvan fire control that squadron of phoenix mountain directly under also has a 30 much people, but did not weave formally, personnel fluidity is greater.

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在绿林中西尔凡精灵仍然无忧无虑地生活着,但在萝林,只有非常少地原住民悲哀地游荡,卡拉斯加拉顿不再有光明和歌声。In the Greenwood the Silvan Elves remained untroubled, but in Lórien there lingered sadly only a few of its former people, and there was no longer light or song in Caras Galadhon.

他说,由于对森林的滥砍滥伐,会让更多的二氧化碳进入大气层,这会让地球气候平衡器的作用大打折扣。He says, because chop denudation to silvan excessive, can let more carbon dioxide enter aerosphere , this meeting makes the action of earthly climate balancer big sell at a discount.

此外,森林旅游发展的基础设施薄弱,人才与科技支撑不足等等原因也都是需要注意的方面。In addition, the infrastructure that silvan travel develops is weak, talent and science and technology prop up inadequacy to wait a reason a moment also is the respect that needs an attention.

森林景观受干扰后的次生演替、人工林种植与农业耕作等在许多方面影响着土壤性质的变化。What silvan landscape suffers interference hind is secondary succession, artificial forest grow the change that waits to affecting edaphic quality in a lot of respects with agricultural cultivation.