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槟榔碱稳定性较好。And arecoline stability is good.

槟榔碱是槟榔的最主要功效成分。Arecoline is the main function component of betelnut.

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但是槟榔碱单体对INS-1胰岛细胞的研究尚未见报道。However, so far, there was little research of arecoline on INS-1 cells.

采用加热回流提取法从槟榔中提取槟榔碱。The extraction of arecoline from betel nut husk was performed using ethanol refluxing.

槟榔碱含量与营养成分间无显著相关性。Content of arecoline had not positive linear correlation with composition of nutrition.

在兽医临床上,槟榔碱主要用于治疗动物的绦虫感染。Arecoline is mostly used to cure infection of animals'parasites on veterinary surgeon clinic.

目的建立痛风口服液中槟榔碱的含量测定方法。ObjectiveSet up the method to detect the content of Arecoline hydrobromide in Tongfeng oral liquid.

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研究口服氢溴酸槟榔碱对小鼠和大鼠的急性毒性,为将其研究开发为新药奠定基础,为临床用量的确定提供科学依据。The acute oxicity test of Arecoline hydrobromide in mice and rat in taking orally was carried out in order to establish base for further research and development.

为将氢溴酸槟榔碱开发为驱畜禽绦虫新药,同时为确定临床用量等提供科学依据,进行了氢溴酸槟榔碱对小白鼠小肠推进率的时效及量效关系的研究。The acute oxicity test of Arecoline hydrobromide in mice and rat in taking orally was carried out in order to establish base for further research and development.

但是,由于其提取方法的不尽完善,导致槟榔碱的产量较低,在一定程度上限制了其临床应用。However, the method of extraction arecoline from semen arecae is not perfect, which results in low output of arecoline and confines its clinical appliance in a certain extent.

目的研究青蒿琥酯与其它药物配伍对体外培养锥虫是否具有杀灭效果。The elimination effect of artesunate on the in vitro continuously cultured Trypanosoma brucei singly or in combination with chloroquine and arecoline was investigated in the present study.