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要怎么磨碎整颗的肉豆蔻子?How do I grate whole nutmeg?

这种说法对我很刺耳。Such expressions rather grate on me.

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炉箅子上的火很旺。A good fire was blazing in the grate.

炉子里生着小小的煤火。A small coal fire burned in the grate.

将大蒜磨碎,加到肉末里。Grate garlic and add it into the mincemeat.

格罗特先生刚开始经商。Mr Grate just entered on a business career.

篦冷机传动轴装置。Disclosed is a grate cooler drive shaft device.

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炉箅子是高炉热风炉的重要部件之一。Furnace grate is a main part of hot blast stove.

磨碎一汤匙鲜姜,放入平底锅。Grate a tablespoonful of fresh ginger into a pan.

曾有过胡萝卜丝加法式色拉油做的色拉。There is a salad of grate carrot and French dress.

应将燃料均匀地播撒在炉篦表面。Fuel should be spread evenly over the grate surface.

你能否磨碎点干酪撒在意大利面制品上?。Will you grate some cheese to sprinkle over the pasta?

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他翻过身来,看到了水池下面的栅栏。He rolls on his side and sees the grate under the sink.

那个管理员短暂地瞥了那栅栏一眼,转身离开了。The janitor eyes the grate briefly, then turns and leaves.

将橙皮擦出大约一茶匙的细末待用。Finely grate about a teaspoon of orange zest and put aside.

莲藕去皮洗净磨成茸,加调味搅匀。Skin lotus root. Wash and grate. Then mix it with seasoning 2.

先将肥皂磨成碎末,确认碎末颗粒细滑干净。The first step would be to grate the bar soap to fine residue.

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“封闭保护”法希走近栅栏后说。"Containment security, " Fache said, as they neared the grate.

打纬是由一个被称为钢筘的金属丝格栅完成的。Beat -up is accomplished by the use of wire grate called a reed.

他急切地望了一眼水池下的下水道栅栏。He casts an urgent glance at the drainage grate beneath the sink.