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对啊,我好想赶快吃到新鲜的羊乳酪。Yeah. I can't wait to get some fresh feta cheese.

橄榄果,飞达芝士,西红柿,洋葱,黄瓜。With olives, feta cheese, tomato, onion &cucumber.

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然后移入盘内,撒上羊奶酪和碎欧芹。Slide out onto plate and sprinkle with feta and parsley.

混合绿色色拉,费塔奶酪,黑橄榄,薄荷辣酱。Mixed greens salad, Feta cheese, Black olives, Mint vinaigrette.

雅典娜沙拉,新鲜番茄,黄瓜,混合橄榄和羊乳酪。Athena salad, fresh tomato, cucumber, mix olives and feta cheese.

将意粉沥干,与之前的番茄混合物搅拌,加入奶酪再次搅拌。Drain orzo and toss with tomato mixture. Add feta and toss again.

Spnako皮塔饼是一种包有菠菜和羊奶奶酪的酥皮馅饼。Spanakopita is a flaky pastry filled with spinach and feta cheese.

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把罗勒和乳酪,小西红柿混合在一起,就大功告成了。Combine basil with feta and tomato and you've got a winning combination.

在色拉上面撒橄榄,续随子和飞达奶酪。Sprinkle sliced olive, caper and feta cheese squares on the top of salad.

对啊,他们有许多不错的色拉。我想要一份希腊色拉。我喜欢羊奶酪。A – Yes, they have great salads. I want a Greek salad. I like feta cheese.

完成后再洒上意大利干酪粉或羊乳酪屑就大功告成了。Mix in pasta. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese or crumbled feta on top before serving.

有时候,我加一些羊乳酪或者我手头有的别的蔬菜。Sometimes, I’ll add in some feta cheese or other vegetables if I have them on hand.

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菲达干酪切丁同沙拉拌在一起,或者干脆一整块原封不动地摆放在最上面。Feta cheese is either diced and mixed in with the salad, or placed on top as a whole piece.

将意面放在大碗里加入西红柿,橄榄,羊乳酪和切碎的西红柿干。Place the pasta in a bowl and add the tomatoes, olives, feta and chopped sun-dried tomatoes.

发达芝士,腌烤青椒,切片橄榄,生菜,香料。Feta cheese, marinated grilled mixed bell peppers, sliced olives and lettuce sesoned with oregano.

发达芝士,西红柿,黄瓜,洋葱,黑橄榄,撒以牛至叶、芝麻籽和橄榄油。Feta cheese, tomato, cucumber, onion, black olives tossed with wild oregano, sesame seed and olive oil.

不要认为这只是一个简单的沙拉。它对每个人来说都可以作为主菜。这是我第二次吃到羊乳酪。我想我们已经爱上羊乳酪了。This is my second time to eat feta cheese. I think my husband and I already fall in love with feta cheese.

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在统计资料不全的情况下,模糊事件树比传统的方法更具有分析优势。When the statistical data is not enough or unknown, FETA method is more convenient method in the analysis.

希腊沙拉佐酸奶薄荷汁配风干芝士,黑橄榄,黄瓜和腌朝鲜蓟。Greek salad composed with feta cheese, black olive, cucumber, yogurt-mint dressing and marinated artichokes.

生产高质量的菲达干酪及其他盐水浸渍干酪,发酵剂是最关键的因素。In the production of high quality feta and other brined cheeses, starter cultures are the most critical ingredients.