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你能不能不要一直换台。Could you stop flipping the channel?

为什么炒房会再次流行起来?Why is house flipping back in vogue?

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你能不能不要平昔转台啊?Could you stop flipping the chpowerfulnels?

烙牛肉饼并不有损你的尊严。Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.

我只需要把参与人2和1的表达式调换I'm just flipping around the 2's and the 1's.

我想对之前发神经的事向你道歉。So, I want to apologize for flipping out before.

fliqlo模仿的是带有转动数字的老式学校时钟。Fliqlo mimics an old school clock with flipping digits.

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在四英寸的横梁上弹跳,我像个夜魔侠,变成它的一部分。Flipping on a 4-inch beam, I like daredevil, part of it.

婴儿的踢打我轻击你现在应该熟悉了。Your baby’s kicking and flipping should be familiar by now.

一到家,我便翻开我小学的同学录。Got home, i was flipping me the charts, and primary schools.

英格兰白金汉郡的奥尔尼镇正为烙饼而疯狂。The town of Olney in Buckinghamshire, England is flipping for pancakes.

用转换的语言说,扳动开关“造成”了灯亮。In transformational language, flipping the switch “causes” the light to turn on.

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她开始她的第一桩生意是在十多岁时候炒卖国有汽车。She started her first business in her teens by flipping state-owned automobiles.

从一个核物理学家到一个喜剧演员,他的角色转变就像是有个“开关转换器”一样,在一开一关之间就变了。He went from a nuclear physicist to a comedian like he was flipping a switch on and off.

可以将其想象为远程打开汽车的转向灯或改变车里的电台频道。Imagine flipping on the turn signal or changing the radio station in your car — remotely.

这个表演里充满了挑战,我们要在黑暗中翻跟头,在黑暗中旋转。There's a lot of challenges in this performance. We have people flipping in the darkness.

它更像是试图去消磨时间——比如玩单人纸牌游戏,或只是随意摆弄一枚硬币。It is more like an attempt to pass the time--like a game of solitaire, or flipping a coin.

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Haywire从床铺下拿出了并翻阅一套素描本。Haywire pulls the sketchbook out from under the bunk and begins flipping through the pages.

翻转自己的纸棒,就能在瞬间改变自己所投映出的像素的颜色。By flipping their own wands , they can change the color of their projected pixels instantly.

干脆做点别的什么轻松一下,诸如听点舒缓的音乐或者浏览杂志。Get up and do something relaxing, like listening to soothing music or flipping through a magazine.