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一位匿名竞拍者。An anonymous bidder.

他们将照片出售给出价最高者。They sold photos to the highest bidder.

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出价最高者将得到20美元的钞票。The highest bidder will get the 20-dollar bill.

高收视率最低的投标人给予奖励。Lowest bidder with high ratings will be awarded.

最终,民主被卖给出价最高的投标人。In the end, democracy is sold to the highest bidder.

这笔钱将提存立即中标人。Money will be escrowed immediately to winning bidder.

别忘了你手上的武器是由出价最低的承包商制造的。Nerver forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon.

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讨价还价后这名工人受雇于出价最高的雇主。The worker bargained his services to the highest bidder.

债权人会把这些资产卖给出价最高的人。These creditors would sell the assets to the highest bidder.

不过我是这包包唯一的投标者,所以很便宜就到手了。But I was the sole bidder for this bag and got it dirt-cheap.

学校和最低的出价者签了建筑的合同。The school singed a building contract with the lowest bidder.

指竞买人出价时手中举起的数字牌。The number plate when bidder upraised at the hands for bidding.

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贵公司投标时,投标人要缴纳保证金吗?。When you call for a bid, should the bidder make a cash deposit?

把我的遗产拆的七零八落,然后卖给出价最高的买家?Carving up our heritage and selling it off to the highest bidder?

如果投标人在满足条件的失败,项目可能被取消。If bidder fails in satisfying conditions, project may be canceled.

本次招标采用资格预审方式。Bidder pre-qualification inquiry is adopted in this bidding process.

更多链接及详情将于后,我选择合适的投标者。More links & details will be available after I choose the right bidder.

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她说,她曾经在一家拍卖行将胸罩卖出了最高价。She said she once sold bras to the highest bidder in a charity auction.

投标人必须交出完整的代码,以便以后可定制化。Bidder must hand over the full code so customisations can be made later.

而关于未完成或延迟完成的工作赔偿则完全由工作得标者负担。The not or late delivering job compensation is all compensated by bidder.