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圣堂骑士骑士在教堂中埋葬。Templar Knights entombed in the church.

固定失踪的UI资讯坦普勒骑兵。Fixed missing UI info for Templar Cavalry.

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难道这真会是当代的圣殿骑士?Could it really be the modern-day Knights Templar?

我还研究了基督教和圣殿骑士团。I've studied Christianity and the Knights Templar.

固定失踪盾牌统计卸除坦普勒。Fixed missing shields stats for Dismounted Templar.

佬司在寻找圣殿武士们的宝藏。Lars was looking for the treasure of the Knights Templar.

我必须说虫族需要一个像高阶圣堂武士一样有翻盘能力的兵种。I'd say the Zerg need a unit like the Protoss High Templar.

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一些人就把玛丽亚和圣杯与圣骑士连接在一起。Some people link Mary to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar.

如今,圣殿骑士已经成为共济会的一个分支的名字。Today, the Knights Templar is the name of a branch of Freemasonry.

好莱坞的典型形象跟实际真正的圣殿武士不一样的。The Hollywood stereotype and the real Templar are two different beings.

圣殿骑士分部能够招募圣殿骑士。Templars ' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Templar knights.

最终黑暗圣堂和狂热者一样成为战斗中的重要力量。Ultimately the dark templar came to rival even the mighty zealots in combat.

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圣殿骑士总团能够招募资深圣殿骑士。The Templars ' Headquarters allows the recruitment of veteran Templar knights.

圣殿骑士分团能够招募资深圣殿骑士。Templars' Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Templar knights.

圣堂武士是虔诚的信徒,信仰的守护者,同时也是邪恶的掘墓人。Templar are the true believers, the keepers of the faith, and the destroyers of evil.

他们清一色圣殿骑士的穿着打扮,还戴着面具,人们顿时惊慌失措、乱作一团。They all-Knights Templar of dress, but also wearing a mask, people heading to tangle.

圣殿皇族得以完整保存,尤其是狂徒,但没能为国尽忠的羞耻感深深的灼烧着他们的内心。The Templar caste as a whole, and the zealots in particular, seethe with shame at this dishonor.

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雷诺的坦诚还帮助了Tassadar和暗黑武士Zeratul捐弃前嫌,结为好友。Raynor's bluff honesty enabled him to forge a bond between Tassadar and the dark templar Zeratul.

到14世纪早期,圣殿骑士团成为了欧洲最富有最具权势的宗教势力。By the dawn of the 14th century, the Knights Templar had become Europe's dominant religious order.

劳拉决定去拜访威尼斯和洛伦佐·德·梅蒂奇的宅邸,去找到这些联系。Lara decides to visit Venice and Lorenzo de Medici's manor to search for these Templar connections.