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不用麻烦了。Don’t bother.

这些话我都听腻了,所以,别来烦我了。So don't bother.

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何苦乃尔?Why bother like this?

干吗要那么麻烦呢?So why bother with it?

坏女人给我麻烦。Wicked women bother one.

别烦我,我忙着呢。Don’t bother me. I’m busy!

我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。I tell them not to bother.

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何必读它?Why bother to read at all?

骗子不吨甚至不屑。Scammers don t even bother.

一边去小苍蝇,别过来烦我。Shoo, fly, don't bother me.

不要为我的午饭费事。Don't bother about my lunch.

别烦我,我忙着呢。Don't bother me , I am busy!

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如果你不愿意,那么就不用麻烦来进行这些项目了。If not, simply don't bother.

但我并不讨厌裸露。But nudity doesn't bother me.

别烦我,我正在想事儿呢!Don't bother me. I'm thinking.

这事你不必过问了。You needn't bother about this.

你们的良心过意的去吗?Does your conscience bother you?

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不用麻烦来送我。Don't bother with seeing me off.

色即是空,又何必再留恋?。Color, why bother to leave again?

而这并不会让我们感到困扰。And that doesn't bother us at all.