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他被描述为“敦实“短发。He is described as "stocky" with short hair.

他或她应该是一个小小的狗与一个相当敦实建设。He or she should be a tiny dog with a fairly stocky build.

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大都市是非常矮胖的体形,看起来像披甲的刀把。Metroplex is very stocky looking and looks armored to the hilt.

它们体格健壮、非常漂亮,小耳短吻。They were big and beautiful, with short ears and stocky snouts.

那时候我才四五岁的样子,但是我又矮又结实。I was only four or five years old at the time, but I was stocky.

我觉得我的腿很粗,所以很少穿这麽短的裤子。I think my legs look stocky , so I rarely wear such short shorts.

食草族男孩是脆弱的,他们没有强健的身体——瘦。Herbivorous boys are fragile, do not have a stocky body -- skinny.

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矮壮结实的英国品种,头大毛光。English breed of strong stocky dog having a broad skull and smooth coat.

一个瘦弱男孩杀死大只佬的士司机,用了七分钟。A frail young boy murders a stocky taxi-driver. This takes seven minutes.

这证明了,这种短小精悍的生物,在水里待了很长的一段时间。This suggests the small, stocky Indohyus spent a lot of time in the water.

“我们的谷物全湿了,”一位染有棕红色胡子的老人说,“它们全都发臭了。”“Our grain is wet,” said a stocky old man with a henna-dyed beard. “It stinks.”

“我们的谷物全湿了,”一位染有棕红色胡子的老人说,“它们全都发臭了。”"Our grain is wet, " said a stocky old man with a henna-dyed beard. "It stinks. "

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贝多芬身材粗短结实,不修边幅,有一双黑色敏锐的眼睛。Beethoven is a short , stocky man, untidily dressed , with dark and piercing eyes.

博萨人是人形种族,身材短粗,面部有毛发覆盖。Bothans are a humanoid species characterized by stocky builds and fur-covered faces.

我的妈妈是个矮胖的人,她总得伏趴在桌子上才能看报纸。My mother was a short stocky woman, who always bent over the table to read the newspaper.

他是大范围的-肩负和矮胖的,而且他的建立是当做紧紧地包装和有力的如肯恩。He was broad-shouldered and stocky , and his build was as tightly packed and powerful as Ken's.

对于氧化锌压敏电阻而言,双肖特基势垒是形成非线性电特性的根本因素。The double Stocky energy barrier is the indispensable factor for non-linear character of ZnO varistor.

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在个人特徵方面,他的身形矮壮,说话谦和,保持微笑,简直像个中产阶级的餐厅老闆。In person he was stocky , soft-spoken and with a pleasant smile, like a middle-order restaurant manager.

尼安得特人长得矮矮的,很结实,通常都是蹲坐着的,十分适应寒冷,他们和现代人看上去差异明显。Stocky and squat and well suited for the cold, Neanderthals looked distinctly different from modern humans.

面无表情的,结实的男孩弯下腰,解开靴子,从隐藏隔层里抽出一卷泛黄的羊皮纸。Stone-faced, the stocky lad bent, unlaced his boot, and drew a yellowed parchment from a hidden flap within.