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我们正赶上不合时季的淫雨。Unseasonable rains overtook us.

在到达终点线时他超过了我。At last he overtook me at the finishing line.

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百无聊赖中,赌鬼他对我开了腔。Til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.

顷刻之间,泪水和化疗淹没了她的生活。Suddenly tears and chemotherapy overtook her life.

在园林的尽头附近,小克罗斯杰追上了他。Near the end of the park young Crossjay overtook him.

本周,中国已经超过美国成为世界最大的汽车市场。China this week overtook the US as the world's top car market.

中国在2007年超越德国成为第三大经济国。China overtook Germany to become the number three economy in 2007.

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杜隆坦被排出以后,恐惧与偏执妄想压倒了我的人民。After Durotan was taken away, fear and paranoia overtook my people.

2007年,中国在专利申请方面已经超越德国。In 2007 China overtook Germany in terms of new patent applications.

郭富城在第一圈赶超杆位的何贤磊。After the start, Aaron Kwok again overtook Sean He at the first lap.

之后,我的写作事业接管了我的演绎事业。and then after that, my writing career kind of overtook my acting career.

去年,中国代替美国成为了该国最大的消费者。Last year China overtook America to become the country’s leading customer.

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东宫顿趁火打劫超越了我,但又考试下雨了。Button took advantage of that and overtook me, but it started to rain again.

在第一圈,当我超过了简森时,我认为这就是超车的原因之一。On the first lap, when I overtook Jenson, I think one of the reasons was that.

那不慌忙的乌龟最终在赛跑中胜过了兔子还是有原故的。There was a reason why the slow turtle overtook the hare in the race, you know.

此后我超越了蒙塔吉尼,跟在了提亚戈后面,他遭到了佐藤的阻挡。After I overtook Montagny, I found myself behind Tiago, who was being held up by Sato.

“政治超越了防备的重要性,”乔治华盛顿大学的凯涅维斯基先生说。“Politics overtook preparedness, ” said Mr. Kaniewski of George Washington University.

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电器零售商苏宁取代老对头国美,坐上了零售业的头把交椅。Electronics retailer Suning overtook rival GOME to become the largest retailer in China.

目前,太阳能超过微芯片成为硅元素的最主要需求源泉。Solar recently overtook the microchip industry as the main source of demand for silicon.

在实际的旅游支出方面,去年中国已超过法国占据第四名的位置。In terms of actual tourist spending, China overtook France to occupy fourth place last year.