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史密斯将任后卫。Smith will play fullback.

他晃过了一名后卫。He dribbles past a fullback.

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后卫因受伤被换下场。The fullback got benched with injuries.

后卫因受伤被换下场。The fullback was benched with injuries.

队长决定派汤姆上场为后卫。The captain decided to play Tom at fullback.

切尔西看上了圣保罗边后卫伊斯尼奥。Chelsea are eyeing Sao Paulo fullback Ilsinho.

这位后卫把球顶进了自己的球门。The fullback headed the ball into his own goal.

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他越过对方后卫,趁势把球踢入球门。He dribbled past the fullback and scored a goal.

后卫可以利用边锋制造空当。A fullback can use the space created by a wing forward.

这左辅画龙点睛越过对方的后卫线。The inside left is passing the oppose side's fullback line.

这左辅正越过对方的后卫线。The inside left is passing the opposing side's fullback line.

新加盟罗马的后卫安图内斯承认他是为了理想而踢球。New Roma fullback Vitorino Antunes admits he's "living a dream".

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尤文正在加紧追赶拉奇奥右后卫奥多的步伐。Juventus are stepping up their push for Lazio fullback Massimo Oddo.

尤文准备好了与AC米兰竞争巴西圣保罗队的右后卫西西尼奥。Juventus are ready to battle AC Milan for Sao Paulo fullback Cicinho.

那中卫假装向前跑,接着突然变向朝左跑,把球带向另一边。The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback.

乌迪内斯的后卫莫塔最近一直被报道和拉齐奥有联系。Udinese fullback Marco Motta has welcomed reports linking him with Lazio.

似乎梅西在后卫帕特里斯•埃弗拉的严密追踪下一点空间也没有。There seemed to be no space as Messi was tracked by fullback Patrice Evra.

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这位与锡耶纳合同到期的后卫有望在今天与拉齐奥进行商谈。The off contract Siena fullback is expected to hold talks with Lazio today.

因此边后卫所必须具备的基本素质也发生了变化。Therefore wing fullback must possess the basic qualities have also changed.

利物浦左后卫因苏阿表示难以拒绝加拉塔萨雷的邀请。Liverpool fullback Emiliano Insua is delighted with his move to Galatasaray.