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汽车业和零售业继续处于困境。The auto industry and retailing remain in distress.

销售在中国成功与否与地理位置密切相关。locate. Retailing success in China hinges on co-location.

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但是对于网络零售业这笔巨大的投资并不寻常。But a big investment in online retailing would not be unusual.

三越伊势丹集团是日本首屈一指的零售业集团。It is a leading corporate group in Japan's retailing industry.

生长在杂货零卖并且在变化店是最戏剧的。Growth was most dramatic in grocery retailing and in variety stores.

Nordstrom可能会是下一家致力于慈善的全国连锁性企业。Nordstrom may be the next national chain to start retailing for charity.

纯正的收集零售店以因特网为其首要的零售体例。A pure play e-tailer uses the Internet as its primary means of retailing.

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纯粹的网络零售店以因特网为其主要的零售方式。A pure play e-tailer uses the Internet as its primary means of retailing.

第五章探讨了我国零售业的发展战略。The fifth part discuses development strategy of China retailing industry.

这项技术让沃尔玛改变了零售的业务模式。The technology enabled Wal-Mart to change the business model of retailing.

按照美国零售业标准,乐透才仅仅刚入行。By American retailing standards, Tesco is merely dipping a toe in the ocean.

以深层分销、密集分销的营销规划布控全国。By in-depth retailing, the crowded retailing marketing plan brings the nation.

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解决这些问题需要灵活性和创新力。Getting around these retailing hurdles will require flexibility and creativity.

从事零售业务的外商投资商业企业。For the foreign-funded commercial enterprises that undertake retailing business.

在具体的并购策略上,批发业与零售业还有一定的区别。As to concrete merger tactics, wholesaling and retailing have their own characteristics.

公里范围内。伊州是美国其中一个最具活力的零售市场中心。Illinois is the center of one of the most dynamic retailing markets in the United States.

农场被支解,以晦涩难懂的规则做条件,和零售业一样成为政治上的一块烫手山芋。Farming is fragmented, subject to arcane rules and as hot a political potato as retailing.

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过去十年间,中国的零售业发展迅猛,已经达到了相当的规模。In the past ten years, the retailing of China has grown fast and become the certain scale.

有分析人士称,鉴于其在国内的巨大风险,迅销这样的全球战略是明智的。Analysts say Fast Retailing is wise to target global growth, given its huge exposure at home.

除了沿海的大城市,其他地区的传统的零售业是破碎且不发达的。Except in big cities near the coast, conventional retailing is fragmented and underdeveloped.