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封我为王!King Me!

我是金文勋。I'm Wex King.

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王海说。King Hai said.

我是凯东·金。I'm Kathy King.

我问国王道。I askedthe king.

还有史蒂芬金。And Stephen King.

没错!哥发的就是天王。The King Of Pop !

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国王驾崩了!The King hasdied!

我觉得自己俨如一个国王。I felt like a king.

我要给他们当国王。I’ll be their king.

一个永世长存的王者!Long live the king.

再见了,亲爱的王文金。Good bye, dear king.

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国王单独登场。Enter the king solus.

此外还有汉堡王快餐厅。That and Burger King.

国王很信任他。The King trusted him.

他们拥立他为王。They hailed him King.

贝奥武甫王万岁!All hail King Beowulf.

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我看见国王爱德蒙。I can see King Edmund.

我喜欢岩藻糖王驴子我!I like F U C King ass!

所罗门王的智慧!King Solomon's Wisdom!