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根据斯巴达法典,我们将直起腰身,战斗直至死去。And by Spartan law, we will stand and fight. And die.

探监之前,她必须先接受搜身,然后被带到一个斯巴达式的简陋食堂,这就是他们见面的地方。She is strip-searched, and taken into a spartan canteen.

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没有一个斯巴达国王不带着五长老的祝福就上了战场。No Spartan king has gone to war without the ephors ' blessing.

斯巴达国王里奥尼达斯率领军队前往塞莫皮莱隘口。The Spartan King Leonidas led the army to the pass at Thermopylae.

走,去告诉斯巴达人们,过路人,斯巴达的法律,我们躺在这儿!Go tell the Spartans , passerby, that here, by Spartan law, we lie!

他们的生活对城市里的殷实人家来说似乎过于严朴。Their lifestyle could seem Spartan to a city family with their assets.

它们比向游人展示的那些简陋多了,”梅尔文说。They are much more spartan than the two shown to tourists,” Melvin said.

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斯巴鲁森林人的人的空间可以用整洁和简朴来描述。Clean and Spartan describe Subaru’s treatment of the Forester’s interior.

简言之,看得出来普通斯巴达人从来没有在公民大会上发过言。In short, the average Spartan did not ever speak in theassembly, it appears.

那个嫌疑犯嗜杀成性,但对自己的小儿子却异常温柔。The suspect is a Spartan dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.

做出这一大无畏的决定之后,韦兰先生又坚定地拿起了餐叉。And having arrived at this Spartan decision Mr. Welland firmly took up his fork.

我们有前途的年轻军官,他一开始在斯巴达教育培训。One of our promising young officers has begun his training in the Spartan Agoge.

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取而代之的是她做了个传统的斯巴达两指“微笑”手势在她的脸上。Instead she made the traditional Spartan two-finger "smile" gesture over her face.

斯巴达模拟器将不会是阿莱尼亚与Concurrent的第一次合作。The Spartan simulator will not be the first time Alenia and Concurrent have teamed.

撞击使斯巴达飞起半米高掉在地上,他摔作一团。The impact lifted the Spartan a half meter off the ground, and he landed in a heap.

记住,不像某些肮脏的属性被nerf的牧人,这个Spartan总是先发炮的。And remember, unlike a certain scruffy nerf-herder, this Spartan always shoots first.

斯巴达及波斯王子有智慧、正义、克己、及勇气各门老师教导。Spartan and Persian princes have teachers in Wisdom, Justice, Temperance, and Courage.

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你不必要过上斯巴达式的简朴生活,在你的余生完全放弃咖啡。You don’t have to go all Spartan and give up coffee forever for the rest of your life.

本·拉登戴着一顶深色羊毛帽,在他斯巴达式的环境中轻轻摇着摇椅。Bin Laden wears a dark wool cap, slightly rocking in his seat in the spartan surroundings.

正如斯巴达国王阿杰西劳斯所说,“如果每个人都是正直的,勇猛就没有必要。”As Agesilaus, a Spartan king, said, "If all men were just, there would be no need of valor."