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这种堰称之为拦水坝。Such weirs were called staunch.

我是自由贸易的坚定支持者。I am a staunch supporter of free trade.

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作为一名物理学家,我是一名坚定的无神论者。Being a physicst, I am a staunch athist.

我跟你们一样,也是个忠诚的英国人。P. I'm as staunch a Britisher as you are, sir.

在反恐战争当中它一直是坚定的盟友。It has been a staunch ally in the War on Terror.

红梅以坚定不移的斗志表现自己的品格!The red plum blossom shows her quality in her staunch will.

这种柔顺的小短裙会让男人和女人都屏住呼吸。The soft skirt both women and men breath staunch character.

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她是缅甸各族联邦的坚定支持者。She was known as a staunch supporter of federalism in Burma.

新英格兰贵族出身的亨利?卡伯特?洛奇则坚决拥护帝国主义。Henry Cabot Lodge, a New England patrician, was a staunch imperialist.

我有着一个坚定的信念,那就是当我热爱我所做的工作时,成功自然而然就来了。It's that staunch belief that when I love what I do, success has to come.

她是一个坚定的共和主义者,极度保守,开的是一辆厢式旅行车。She is a staunch Republican, extremely conservative and drives a minivan.

但在获救之后,他心怀谢意,成了宾虚忠实的朋友。Yet, when Ben-Hur saved his life, he became a staunch and grateful friend.

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麻生和小池都是华盛顿的坚定支持者。Both Mr. Aso and Ms. Koike are staunch Washington supporters. Last year, Ms.

吴建豪,谁是坚定的基督徒说,他祈祷克服这个问题。Van Ness, who is a staunch Christian, said he prayed to overcome the problem.

用顽强的意志力,把内心的自律意识化为行动。With the staunch willpower, change into the innermost feeling to the actions.

英国也正是美国在阿富汗和伊拉克地区的坚定支持者。The United Kingdom is a staunch supporter of the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan.

对人民实行民主,对敌人实行专政,这就是人民民主专政。The people's army is a staunch pillar of the people's democratic dictatorship.

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对花旗和美洲银行棘手的营救并没有止住他们的亏损。Messy rescues of Citigroup and Bank of America have failed to staunch their losses.

但是他承认,要把坚定的保守派争取过来,还有很长的一段路要走。But he acknowledged he still has a long way to go to win over staunch conservatives.

伟大祖国永远是香港、澳门的坚强后盾。The great motherland will remain a staunch supporter of Hong Kong and Macao forever.