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新奥尔良州小心翼翼地关注着古斯达夫。A wary New Orlean's keeping a close eye on Gustav.

按照精神病学家容格的理论确立的基本人格类型。Basic personality types, according to the theories of Carl Gustav Jung.

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克里姆特的画激励着我继续学习艺术课程。The paintings of Gustav Klimt inspire me to continue with my art classes.

现在,恐怕热带风暴古斯塔夫将会在同一个地区肆虐横行。Now fears that Tropical Storm Gustav could be eyeing the same general region.

凯西带艾凡去看葛斯特夫医生。医生问了艾凡几个问题并检查他的身体。Kathy takes Evan to see Dr. Gustav. The doctor asks Evan some questions and checks him.

他率领他的新教徒部队与法国和西班牙的天主教部队对抗。Gustav II Adolf led his Protestant army against the Catholic armies of France and Spain.

在明尼苏达州圣保罗举行共和党全国代表大会开始之际,古斯塔夫飓风把一切事情搞得一塌糊涂。Gustav also wrought havoc at the start of the Republican convention in St Paul, Minnesota.

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瓦萨返回瑞典后带领人民独立,并因此被拥戴为古斯塔夫瓦萨国王。He returned to lead the Swedes to independence, and was later proclaimed King Gustav Vasa.

这一切都始于1882年回长古斯塔夫政变时成立自己的商店建立在贝里。It all started back in 1882 when C. Gustav Putsch set up his own forge shop in Cronenberg.

当时有个例子,那就是有人试图在化妆舞会中暗杀瑞典国王古斯塔夫三世。Such was the case in Sweden when someone attempted to assassinate King Gustav III at a ball.

马勒第二号交响曲”复活”,第二乐章降A大调,中等的行板。Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection", Second Movement in A-flat Major, Andante Moderato.

伽斯塔夫飓风带来了大量的降水,其水位已经超过新奥尔良工业运河的防洪堤。Hurricane Gustav is sending water rushing up and over New Orleans' Industrial Canal's floodwall.

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伽斯塔夫飓风带来了大量的降水,其水位已经超过新奥尔良工业运河的防洪堤。Hurricane Gustav is sending water rushing up and over New Orleans' Industrial Canal's floodwall.

同步性的理念最早在十九世纪二十年代由瑞士心理学家荣格提出。The concept of synchronicity was first described by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s.

飓风古斯塔和埃克造成的影响已经在亚特兰大和南方的部分地区凸现出来。The effects of hurricanes Gustav and Ike have been felt in Atlanta and other places around the south.

这些开创性的两个男人,卡尔拉普和古斯塔夫奥托,贷记宝马的“开国元勋”。Two of these pioneering men, Karl Rapp and Gustav Otto, are credited by BMW as the "founding fathers".

布什总统到访路易斯安那州的吧吞鲁日,查看飓风古斯塔夫造成的损坏。President Bush made a quick trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to have a look at damage from Hurricane Gustav.

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哈克比在谈及古斯塔夫飓风侵袭墨西哥湾沿岸的时候,强调了人的生命的重要性。Huckabee referred to Hurricane Gustav battering the Gulf Coast, in emphasizing the importance of human life.

对生活在路易斯安那海边的居民,等待飓风“古斯塔夫”,是非常令人惊恐不安的。For people living in Louisiana's Gulf Coast, waiting for Gustav to bear down on them has been pretty alarming.

古斯塔夫选择了奥地利作为目标,这条消息立刻被瑞典大使本杰明男爵带到巴赫奇萨莱。Gustav II Adolf chose Austria. The news was delivered to Bakhchisaray by the Swedish ambassador Benjamin Baron.