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进入中国的关键在于“广阔的潜在市场”这一说法以及为了回报愿意等待多久。The key to entering China rests with the phraseology “ vast potential market ”

在黑格尔的措辞中,国家则是完美正义的实现方式。In Hegelian phraseology the State is the reality of which justice is the ideal.

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一部叙事文本就是由“叙述语”和“转述语”构成的。A narrative text is constituted by "narrative phraseology" and "transferred narrative words".

品评用语是汉语言词汇中最具特色的用语之一。Commentary Phraseology is one of the most distinct phraseologies in Chinese language vocabulary.

当你写你的故事,并通过电子邮件发送给我,我将其标记,证明你如何提高你的措辞。When you write your story and email it to me, I mark it up to show you how to improve your phraseology.

使用那种措辞的演讲人已经朝着把自己变成机器的方向走了不少路了。A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance toward turning himself into a machine.

别忘了,林肯在他一生中的这段时间里,他是极度保守的,措辞也非常拘谨。And remember, at this period of his life Lincoln was extremely conservative and restrained in his phraseology.

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此外,几个部分显然是重复一,和一个奇特的用语是,发现在整个这本书。Moreover, several parts apparently repeat one another, and a peculiar phraseology is found throughout the book.

同时,研究中医语词的确切含义可为字典、辞书的补遗提供材料。It could provide some supplemental data to dictionary and words book by studying the exact meaning of TCM phraseology.

进入中国的关键在于“广阔的潜在市场”这一说法以及为了回报愿意等待多久。The key to entering China rests with the phraseology "vast potential market ", and how long one is willing to wait for returns.

荀子以“名”为核心,构建了一个比较完整的名、辞、辩说的正名逻辑思想体系。XUN Zi, with "Name"as the core, establishes a logical thought system of rectifying name with name, phraseology and disputation.

进入中国的关键在于于“广阔的潜在市场”这一说法以及为了回报愿意等待多久。The key to entering China rests with the phraseology " vast potential market " , and how long one is willing to wait for returns.

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“特定的措辞是必不可少的,”乔治•奥威尔说,“如果人们要命名事物而又不想唤起关于它们的心理意象的话。”"A certain phraseology is obligatory, " said George Orwell, "if one wants to name things without calling up mental images of them. "

本文试从中国传统文化的角度入手,探讨汉语中黄系语词的文化蕴涵及其成因。This paper started from Chinese traditional culture, discussing the cultural implications and causes of the "yellow" Phraseology in Chinese.

这个熟语在先秦时期标识民本思想,唐代概括为为政之道,当今用此语具有新的时代意义,包含了执政理念、政治思想和科学发展观。During the Fore-Qin Dynasty, this phraseology indicated people-foundation thinking and in Tang Dynasty it summarized the way to be an official.

在此我们要介绍管道与过滤器模式在维语语料库的构造和维语词频统计系统中的应用。Hence we introduce the applications of pipeline and filtrate methods in Uyghur phraseology frequency statistic system and the construction of Corpus.

首先,分析了歇后语和其它汉语熟语的异同,阐述了歇后语特有的性质,给歇后语进行了新的定义。At first, the differences between XHYs and other Chinese phraseology are explained and unique prosperities XHYs have and a new definition are given as well.

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假如你觉得这些要害词的设置显得太通俗和频繁了,或者还可以考虑一下用相近的语词进行替代。If you feel the setting of these keywords appears too common, mix frequent, the phraseology that still perhaps can consider to use close undertakes replacing.

本文着重探讨徐通锵先生的“核心字和汉语的语义构辞法”的理论意义和实践作用。This article discusses the theoretical significance and practical functions of the "The core character and the semantic phraseology in Chinese" proposed by Mr.

理论驱动的短语学研究仅聚焦于结构良好和成语性强的固定或半固定词语序列。Previous theory-driven studies of phraseology basically focus on fixed and semi-fixed expressions which are structurally well-formed and semantically idiomatic.