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乔凡尼是我的“串连交流伙伴”。Giovanni is my Tandem Exchange Partner.

日本和韩国结合起来遏制中国。A Japan-South Korea tandem to deter China.

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两个或四个小节长的短的音乐片断。A long sled made of two shorter sleds joined in tandem.

你们要共骑的话,可选择双人自行车。You have a choice of a tandem if you want to ride together.

这些核苷酸的模式被称为短串联重复序列。These strings of nucleotides are called short tandem repeats.

他正配合欺诈重案办公室的官员工作。He is working in tandem with officials of the Serious Fraud Office.

要是想获得成功,大手拉小手的黑黄政权也少不了默克尔睁只眼闭只眼。To win, the "black-yellow" tandem needed Ms Merkel's mushiness, too.

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设计了一种串联型动能侵彻弹。In this paper, a kinetic penetrator with tandem warheads is designed.

串联式油缸,运动速度和生产效率高。Tandem type oil cylinder, high velocity of movement and productivity.

和他相比,我能一边拍脑袋一边摸肚子就觉得很不错了。By comparison, I'm lucky if I can pat my head and rub my tummy in tandem.

有许多替代品在获得串联轴自卸车融资。There are many alternatives in obtaining tandem axle dump truck financing.

在英国,“汉语热”和孔子学院的兴盛同样同步发展、相得益彰。In the UK, mandarin learning and Confucius Institutes are growing in tandem.

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大概在1985年我还在和乐队合作一起做电子音乐。I was doing electronic music in tandem with working with the band around '85.

蒂帕嬷和西嬷曾联手用她们的神通力影响一辆公共汽车的运行。Dipa Ma and Hema once used their extraordinary powers in tandem to move a bus.

双人自行车总长度不能超过270公分,总宽度不能超过50公分。A tandem shall not measure more than 270cm in length and 50cm in width overall.

TANDEM焊接工艺是船厂拼板焊接比较理想的焊接工艺。The TANDEM welding is an ideal technology for the welding of panel in shipyard.

就算是专业人士也要和另一名同声传译员进行合作。Even professionals have to work in tandem with another simultaneous interpreter.

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他强壮的身体力量和可怕的体格,加上移动迅速的脚步。His bludgeoning power and fearsome frame worked in tandem with fast-moving feet.

只有14岁以上的儿童才可以参加协力跳伞。Only kids who are elder than 14 years old can participate in tandem parachuting.

表格可以使我们的网页元素有规律地结合起来。Table-based grids allow us to ensure that all the cells within it work in tandem.