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我是米莎凯的牧师。I'm a cleric of Mishakal.

他是塔克西斯的牧师。He's a cleric of Takhisis.

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他是秘银大厅的牧师。He is the dwarf cleric of Mithril Hall.

“你看起来很热,我的孩子,”牧师说,“为什么你不歇一会,我会帮助你的。”"You look hot, my son, " said the cleric.

哦哦,那个地精牧师竟然值1000XP!Oooh, that goblin cleric was worth 1000XP!

他说,这名在逃的极端分子教士不断改变他的藏身地。He says the extremist cleric is on the run and keeps changing his locations.

施法者等级25,尽管他在施展死灵法术时相当于一个35级的牧师。Caster level 25, although he casts Necromantic spells as a 35th level Cleric.

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伊拉克什叶派牧师穆克塔达萨德尔正威胁着一个全国性民间起义。Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr is threatening a nationwide civil revolt.

好吧,我队伍里有个矮人牧师,而他也从没提起过这个。Well, I have a dwarven cleric in the party, and he never mentioned it either.

但是激进的什叶派教士萨德尔威胁要破坏议会的投票。But radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, is threatening to torpedo the vote.

伊朗改革派将蒙塔泽里看做他们运动的精神只柱。Iranian reformists regarded the cleric as the spiritual patron of their movement.

瞧,我上次查牧师法术列表的时候,死者复活还是一个5级神术。Look, last time I checked the cleric spell list, Raise Dead was a 5th-level spell.

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反圣武士像牧师那样准备和施放法术,使用黑暗卫士的法术列表。He prepares and casts spells just like a cleric. He uses the blackguard spell list.

蠢货圣骑。蠢货赌约。蠢货矮人牧师了解我了解得太透彻了。Stupid paladin. Stupid bet. Stupid dwarven cleric knowing me too well for my own good.

一群好战的牧师呼吁建立通过征伐将所有奥术施法者从大陆驱逐。A militant cleric calls for a crusade to expel all arcane spell casters from the continent.

对此,巴政府强烈谴责那些亲塔利班精神领袖法兹鲁拉的武装分子。Pakistani military blamed the violence on followers of pro-Taliban cleric Maulana Fazlullah.

尽管也门多半是逊尼派,叛乱分子是被杀害的什叶派什叶派牧师侯赛因·胡塞的追随者。Though Yemen is mostly Sunni, the rebels are followers of slain Shiite cleric Hussein al-Houthi.

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激进派牧师穆克塔达·萨德尔的支持者计划在纳贾夫举行游行示威。Supporters of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr planned to mark the day with a demonstration in Najaf.

当玩家死亡时,他们将会在附近的力量之泉中复活或者在战场上由牧师进行救活。When a player dies, they can revive at a nearby mana fountain or be raised by a cleric in the field.

分离主义领导人和克什米尔重要的神职人员米尔瓦兹.奥马尔认为,这一问题的发展已经超出了单纯的土地转让。Separatist leader and Kashmir's main cleric Mirwaiz Umar says the issue has moved beyond land transfer.