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全车材质都是可循环可降解的。The materials are recyclable and biodegradable.

但是琼斯也表示,生物降解的袋子“价格不菲”。But biodegradable bags "cost a fortune," Jones said.

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溶氧生物分解废物的L效应。L-Effect of Biodegradable Waste on Dissolved Oxygen.

生物柴油是典型的“绿色可再生能源”。Bio-diesel is an alternative biodegradable diesel fuel.

虽然不能生物降解或者堆肥,但是可以回收再利用。It is not biodegradable or compostable but it is recyclable.

结果表明PELA是一种新型生物降解材料。The results showed that PELA is a new biodegradable copolymer.

与石油不同,麻疯树油是可再生和生物可降解的。Unlike petroleum, jatropha oil is renewable and biodegradable.

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目前,淀粉基可生物降解材料已成为研究热点。At present, study on biodegradable starch-based material is extensive.

虽然是化石燃料为基础,可生物降解和堆肥气冷。Whilst being fossil fuel-based, AACs are biodegradable and compostable.

生物量还包括能够当作燃料燃烧的可降解废料。Biomass may also include biodegradable wastes that can be burnt as fuel.

他们将要在第一次使用可降解塑料聚酯。They were the first biodegradable polyesters to be utilised in plastics.

它们会堵塞水管,并且橡胶在水中是不能被生物降解的。They can clog up plumbing and latex, when in water, is not biodegradable.

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聚天冬氨酸是一类可生物降解、对环境友好的绿色化学品。Polyaspartic acid is a green, biodegradable and environment friendly chemical.

这座“城市”的扶壁塔完全是由天然可降解材料筑成。Its buttressed towers are built entirely from natural, biodegradable materials.

该纤维取自海洋,资源丰富可再生,纤维可降解。The fibers are taken from the ocean, resource-rich renewable fiber biodegradable.

这种未来材料——可生物降解的塑料也许就来自于藻类衍生的油中。A future source of such biodegradable plastics might even come from algae-derived oil.

地球上最大的布告板是由可生物降解的回收材料制成的。The largest billboard on the planet is made from biodegradable and recycled materials.

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我们在工作室和在家都是用Ecotricity,我们使用可降解谷物购物袋。We use Ecotricity at the studio and at home. We have biodegradable corn shopping bags.

目前,研究最多的生物可降解纤维之一就是海藻纤维。At present, one of the biodegradable fibers that cost most study efforts is alginate fiber.

我们需要可以在丢弃后数周内即被生物降解的材料。We need biodegradable products that if dumped, will simply disintegrate within a few weeks.