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我们已经忘记去爱自己。We have forgotten to love our selves.

丹妮斯和马丁他们自己付的钱。Denise and Martin paid for it them' selves.

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我们向上帝展现出真实的自己是安全的。We are safe to reveal our true selves to God.

她人后的本相与人前的形象大为不同。Her private and public selves were vastly different.

我捕捉的只是你们在空中飞行的大我。And I hunted only your larger selves that walk the sky.

我们可能感到对其他人展示真实的自己是不安全的。We may not feel safe to reveal our true selves to anyone.

塞尔夫上校赴埃及去做沙里蒙总督。Colonel Selves was going to Egypt to become Soliman- Pasha.

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保罗说我们应当把自己修炼得更加虔诚。Paul says we are to discipline our selves towards godliness.

按摩可以帮助我们的调子在我们的情感和精神守土有责。Massage helps us tune in to our emotional and spiritual selves.

因为我们还没有准备好在我们自己身上进行和猴子一样的实验。Because we’re not yet ready to monkey with our own selves that way.

蘩漪是男性自我的他者,曹七巧是女性自我的替身。Fanyi belongs to the others as against mens selves while Cao Qiqiao i.

温暖就是心里的两个自己在抱一抱吧。Warmness is to have two different selves in your heart huge each other.

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在诚心敬拜独一真神时,我们不再以自己为中心。In real worship of the one true God we get beyond a focus on our selves.

当我们发现这个问题的时候,他们正在外地游山玩水。They are enjoying the selves at other places when we found this problem.

它们在睡觉,就睡在自己亲手编织的房子里。They sleep, they sleep inside a house that they them- selves have woven.

而在洗礼仪式中,人们被浸入水里和过去的自己告别来重获新生。In baptism, people are immersed to bury their old selves and to be re-born.

在紧张的盘问下他们开始展露出他们真实的自我。Under a stressful cross-examination they began to reveal their true selves.

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只是你们要行道,不要单单听道,自己欺哄自己。But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

那么这里你们看了,求助于传统的自述。Well there you have it, narrative selves, situated selves invoking tradition.

女人们可以买一条裹身裙,然后给自己的虚拟化身也穿上同一条裙子。Women can buy a wrap dress and outfit their pixilated selves in the same one.