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或许跌出,把我们的风雨之日照明。Burst to illumine our tempestuous day.

与巴基斯坦暴风骤雨般的关系?A tempestuous relationship with Pakistan?

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相反地,它们可是非常厚重狂暴的。Au contraire they are massive and tempestuous.

姑且把自己算作一俗人吧,一介蝼蚁,能掀起多大的惊涛骇浪?Let be a layman, a worm, can lift more tempestuous waves?

他们的船在浪急风高的海上危险地航行着。Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea.

“敖气面对万重浪”是何等的胸襟气概!!!How brave it is to face the powerful and tempestuous waves!

这名炽热的爱侣,狂风骤雨而激情四溢,狮子热衷于表演。A red-hot lover, tempestuous and passionate, Leo just love to perform.

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不经历分崩离析的痛苦,谁会在意惊涛骇浪的清宁?Do not experience the pain of fall, who will care tempestuous waves of Qingning?

她那狂暴的灵魂发出的一切愤怒都平息了,如同大海在风暴之后的平静一样。All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell, as the sea falls undera lapse of wind.

她那狂暴的灵魂发出的一切愤怒都在平息了,如同大海在风暴之后的平静一样。All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell, as the sea falls under -a lapse of wind.

萨尔图油层储层主要是受风暴作用形成的。The reservoir rocks of Sartu formation were deposited by the tempestuous processes.

它更接近于由飓风般的亚空间潮汐推动的狂暴洋面。It was closer to being a turbulent ocean fomented by the tempestuous warp tides below.

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近几周来,坊间关于这对夫妻感情关系破裂的猜测不断。It follows weeks of speculation about the couple's increasingly tempestuous relationship.

他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在赌寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at an icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

但是,这剂药象是把油倒在暴风雨掀起的海浪上,总可以平息你那澎湃翻腾的情欲。But it will calm the swell and heaving of thy passion, like oil thrown on the waves of a tempestuous sea.

我们享受了长达一万年的温和时代,在此之前,气候往往更加狂暴。Before the long balmy era we have enjoyed over the past 10, 000 years, climate was often much more tempestuous.

云和雨回到索契,黑海恢复季节性的汹涌。Clouds and showers soon returned to Sochi, and the Black Sea returned to its seasonally typical tempestuous ways.

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“绯闻女孩”借助交际礼仪和汹涌的对话肥皂剧题材紧跟Facebook的节拍。Gossip Girl borrows the rituals and tempestuous dialogue of the soap opera genre and puts it to a Facebook beat.

阿纳金独自一人留下,心乱如麻,他意识到帕尔帕廷可能是拯救帕德梅的唯一希望。Left alone to stew in his tempestuous thoughts, Anakin realized that Palpatine could be his only chance at saving Padmé.

月复一月,抗议情景频现,人质危机和另外一些暴乱事件蜂拥出现在我的祖国。Month after month, images of protests, the hostage crisis, and other tempestuous events came pouring out of my homeland.