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对于第一个质疑,我们的看法是单据不符。With regard to first query, our opinion is that the document is discrepant.

指出实验结果与汤生放电模型的偏离。The main experimental results are discrepant from the Townsend discharge model.

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如贵公司的复验有异,请在两周内通知敝公司。If there is any discrepant in your reinspection , please advise us within two weeks.

但是,镉和五氯酚钠对产溞率的影响因溞种而异。However, the reproduction rate of Daphnia was discrepant in different Daphnia species.

两人对“朋友”含义的理解应用不一致时,可能会导致人际关系紧张。Interpersonal strain may result when two people use and act on discrepant meanings of friends.

一般认为,恶性肿瘤发生前,几乎均先有异型增生。Think commonly, before malignant tumor happens, almost all first discrepant model proliferous.

反过来,我认为一个女性干部在治理当中和男性是不能有差异的。Conversely, I think cadre of a female should counteract the male in management is cannot discrepant.

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如果提示的单据中有受益人和你方银行的不符点,或者我们收到单据后发现任何不符之处,每一不符点,我们将扣除50美元。we find any discrepancies when we received the documents we will claim USD50.00 for each discrepant.

即使单据未含有出具日期,用所提供的格式出具的单据是相符的。A document issued in the format provided is not discrepant if it does not contain a date of issuance.

价值没有差异,没有相反,或完全不同于另一个。So values aren't discrepant kinds, they aren't opposite or indeed ultimately different from one another.

是否记载实际已装Y船的“装船“批注没有注明日期会造成单据不符?Does the fact that the "on board" notation, mentioning actual vessel Y, is undated make the document discrepant?

由自动控制探测错误并防止有差异的零件被制造出来进行工位内错误探测。Error detection in-station by automated controls that will detect error and prevent discrepant part from being made.

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导致观察性研究和大规模随机临床试验结果之间不一致的可能原因有多种。There are multiple possible reasons for discrepant results between observational studies and large randomized trials.

非全项否定的选择问句所提供的选言,一般是封闭性的二值选言,二者在逻辑上相互矛盾。The disjunctions provided by other two kinds are often closed disjunctions with two values, which are logically discrepant.

本人自愿承担由于本人资料和信息瑕疵而给兴业银行和证券公司带来的全部损失。I agree to bear all the losses and charges caused by my discrepant material and information presented to Industrial bank Co.

在规定实施GP-12期间或任何其它时间,偏差材料的发运可能导致发运控制等级2。Shipment of discrepant material during the specified GP-12 window or any other time may result in Controlled Shipping Level 2.

如果呈递的单据被认为不符合时,我们可以找出原始申请人的有差异的放弃证书。In the event that documents presented are determined to be discrepant , we may seek a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant.

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通过分行业模型的实证分析,发现相同的因素对不同行业的影响存在差异。By an empirical analysis of the sub-industries model, it realizes that the same factors hold discrepant influence on different industries.

提出了一种基于密度的孤立点因子算法和一种基于粗集理论的属性类别差异数据归约算法。The Out-lier algorithm based on density and attribution classical discrepant data protocol algorithm based on rough set theory were presented.

佩枯错盆地的产生是在整体南北向挤压应力作用下,不同块体差异隆升作用的结果。Peiku Co Basin's formation was a result of different blocks' discrepant uplifting at the processe of the whole compressional stress of SN trending.