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他是个讨厌的乡巴佬。He is an obnoxious hick.

别惹人厌,但要让人惊叹。Don’t be obnoxious. But do be amazing.

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她心情不好的时候很惹人厌。She is obnoxious when she's in a bad mood.

有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉。Excision of an obnoxious passage was required.

她是那么讨人厌。也许她对你挺好的。She's really obnoxious. And maybe she's good with you.

假设你有一个令人讨厌的同学。Let's say that you have a classmate who's really obnoxious.

你可以用一种不让别人讨厌的、不让别人觉得你很绝望的语气说出你的请求。You can get the word out without being obnoxious or sounding desperate.

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这绝对不应该是令人讨厌的建议,因为办公室气氛决定着好坏。This is not obnoxious advice because office politics is about being nice.

其纯物质是一种毒性气体,沸点-21℃,有讨厌的气味。The pure substance is a poisonous gas, b. p. -21℃, with an obnoxious odor.

那个律师给人的印象是存心要惹人讨厌。It seemed as if the lawyer was deliberately being as obnoxious as possible.

他并不讨人厌,而且我也喜欢他的志愿性工作,这大概是我们合得来的原因。But he wasn't obnoxious and I liked the volunteer work he did. We hit it off.

虽然外形变成了一些令人讨厌的小怪物,但都徒有其表。It had assumed the forms of obnoxious little monsters, but not their essence.

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把爆米花、汽水什么的留在戏院里等着别人来收拾是令人讨厌、应该受到谴责的。Leavin popcorn, sodas, etc in theater for someone else to pick up is obnoxious.

及早训练和给予足够的重视,那就能减少小西高讨厌的乱吠啦。Early training and adequate attention will lessen the chance of obnoxious barking.

那我什么时候上班?这是个有点让人讨厌的问题。不要反客为主了。So, when do I start?A slightly obnoxious quip. Don't invite yourself into the job.

组织者坚持将其名称全部使用大写字母——实为可恶且毫无根据。The organizers insist on the all caps, which is totally obnoxious and unwarranted.

这些是我们寻求平安宁静的场所,因他事打破宁静多有不快。These are places we go for peace and quiet—it s obnoxious to disrupt that for others.

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火车呼啸而过了,带走了一个生命,也带走了海子最最厌恶的罪恶。Train roaring past, and took a life, but also took Haizi far the most obnoxious evil.

作为海盗和走私者,巴巴喜欢动拳头,是一个令人讨厌的恶棍。A pirate and smuggler, Baba was an obnoxious miscreant with a penchant for fisticuffs.

根据Feiler所指,最常听到的陈词滥调,像“你看上去好极了”是尤其讨厌的!According to Feiler, the commonly heard cliche "You look great" is particularly obnoxious.