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我们明天乘“阿戈西”号启程。We sail tomorrow on the Argosy.

在电子时代,操控一艘大船不再需要很多人手。At electronics ages, operate an argosy to no longer need a lot of hands.

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而且还是买一条可以载重几百吨的大船!And still keep buying an argosy that can carry to measure several 100 tons!

过后我们就一路走下去到码头乘搭游轮。Then, we continue to the next exciting tour on a small cruise, the Argosy Cruise.

我们在上海的工厂可以提供客户定制服务,进行航空涂料混合。Argosy 's plant in Shanghai does custom manufacturing and blends aerospace coatings.

“我从那边划到这里来的。我乘的大船在这附近沉没了。”她说。"I from there row here come of. The argosy that I multiply by sank in this neighborhood. "She say.

他略带忧郁地说道,“他们就是不会把这个也当成工作。”I sell to Argosy and Doc Savage, ” he said with a certain gloom. “They wouldn’t call that a trade.”

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阿构斯伙伴是全球领先私募基金,为中端市场的制造业和服务公司提供资本。Argosy Partners is a leading source of growth capital for middle market manufacturing and service companies.

阿构斯伙伴有良好的记录与卓越的管理团队合作产生特殊的投资成效。Argosy offers a consistent track record of partnering with superior management teams to produce exceptional results.

当地游船公司「大船航游」的游湖之旅全年无休,每曰由联合湖出发,四月至十一月期间则由柯克兰市出发。Local tour-boat company Argosy Cruises' lake cruises depart daily from Lake Union year-round, and from Kirkland from April through November.

Gaddis在1964年为大商船杂志写的文章中采用,在文章中Gaddis声称在这片奇异海洋中许多船和飞机无缘无故消失。Gaddis for Argosy Magazine in 1964. In the article Gaddis claimed that in this strange sea a number of ships and planes had disappeared without explanation.

她目前是美国阿格西芝加哥大学图书馆馆长,主管阿格西大学东部地区的图书馆,包括伊利诺伊、科罗拉多、佛罗里达、明尼苏达、哥伦比亚特区、佐治亚和田纳西州。She is currently the Area Library Director for Argosy University, overseeing Argosy University Campus Libraries in the east region, including IL, CO, FL, MN, DC, GA and TN.