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然而,一些士兵抱怨说,这套装甲衣和头盔的样式实在难看。But some troops have complained that the armour and headgear is inelegant.

这是一种不完善的解决方案,经常会导致糟糕的用户体验。It's an inelegant solution that frequently leads to a poor user experience.

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这种手法涉及人物习惯性的俚语和不雅行为。That dimension involved the subjects’ habits of slang and inelegant behavior.

屏幕抓取通常被认为是一个不雅的解决方案,这是有一定的原因的。Screen scraping is often considered an inelegant solution, and for good reasons.

我们也是美国人"--这是斜贴在这所市内公寓窗外的国旗传达出的信息。"We"re American too" say the flags inelegant glued to the city apartment windows.

分析学家只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant.

那些乱七八糟的接入电话线路的网线大概已经成为过去了。Those inelegant cables plugged into your phone line are largely a thing of the past.

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但是魔术师觉得这样还不完美,他们更乐于利用心理强迫的技巧来营造效果。But magicians consider this inelegant and prefer to use mental forcing to create their effects.

直到满足要求的明显粗略或者次优的代码带。A particularly inelegant and obviously suboptimal sectionof code that till meets the requirements.

然后科技改变,我临时凑合三个手指头不雅观的方式用电脑键盘。Then the technology changed, and I improvised an inelegant three-finger style for computer keyboards.

我在北京住了两年,能说一点实用但不漂亮的中文。I have managed to acquire some inelegant but functional spoken Chinese after two years living in Beijing.

但同时大家也都知道异步技术要求一系列笨重的回调。Alas it is also well known that asynchronous techniques require an inelegant or downright clumsy series of callbacks.

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这辆起重机由权威专家设计,专为清除这些不雅之物制造的。The crane had been designed and built by the authorities, who had decided to cleanse the sky of its inelegant encumbrance.

我曾经看见过众多的生命结束在激怒的牲畜手中,人们完好的躯壳被不雅的毁灭工具撕成碎片。I have seen lives ended at the hands of enraged cattle, good people's shells stripped apart by inelegant tools of destruction.

必须承认这个短句用得并不很漂亮,但是当我向他们保证他们无须对此负责时,我想他们还是能明白我的意思的。An inelegant phrase, it must be admitted, but once I had reassured them they were not responsible for the breakage, I think they got the picture.

慢慢地就可能会形成一些在吃东西的时候的不雅习惯甚至会不懂待客之道,这会让他们失去不少的印象分。Gradually, they may form some inelegant habit about eating even don't know how to treat customer, which will make them lose some points in impression.

虽然接受回调函数的函数功能十分强大,但是没有一种好方法可以执行一次性回调函数,而无需执行一些非常笨拙的工作。Although the functions that accept callback functions are powerful, there isn't a good way to do a one-off callback function without some very inelegant work.

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特别值得一提的是,一般厕所里会有一个水流声播放器,这样用来掩饰如厕时不雅的声响,设计得相当人性化。What should be specially mentioned is a water sound player, used to cover the inelegant sound when one goes to restroom. That is marvelously human-oriented design.

当他们偷吃了禁果以后,才发现自己赤身裸体,很不雅观,就拿无花果叶遮住下体。After eating the forbidden fruits, they found for the first time that they were both in the nude and were very inelegant. Fig leaves were taken to cover their private parts.

这个并不完美的方案会使早期的减排努力当作政策性试验,我们从这些试验中可以获得经验教训,可以了解到该方案中是什么起了作用,在什么时候以及在多大范围内起了作用。The flexibility of this inelegant approach would allow early mitigation efforts to serve as policy experiments from which lessons could be learned about what works, when and where.