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这三个群体间存在不可逾越的鸿沟。Unbridgeable gaps existed between these three groups.

我们要么就适应,要么任其分化。We either all get along. Or an unbridgeable divide develops.

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他认为自己与父母之间有不可逾越的鸿沟。He believed there was an unbridgeable gulf between him and his parents.

丈夫和妻子之间不时会出现似乎无法逾越的鸿沟。A gulf that seemed unbridgeable was created between husbands and wives at times.

我同时感受着亲密深切的联系和无法逾越的距离,这让我不知所措。I was overwhelmed by simultaneous feelings of deep connection and unbridgeable distance.

工业化是各国经济发展过程中不可逾越的一个阶段。The industrialization is an unbridgeable period in the process of economy development in every country.

中美差距会在周日晚上有所缩小,但差距看起来仍然无法跨越。The gap with the Americans should close by Sunday night, when the Olympics conclude, but it still looks unbridgeable.

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这是一个女人的声音,听起来却恍如穿越了浩瀚的时空,飘然而至。It is a woman's voice, but it sounds as though it comes drifting toward us across some vast and unbridgeable distance.

但是选择的天平上,除此之外便是不可逾越的城乡差距——像赵艾这样的孩子仍处于困境之中,而他同龄的城里孩子们,已轻松的跑在了前面。But the alternative is an unbridgeable gap between town and country – with children such as Zhao Ai stranded in poverty as his urban peers romp ahead.

但是巴勒斯坦人所要求提供的回归人口数与以色列前总理奥尔默特愿意的数量实在差距太大,难以弥合。But the gap between what the Palestinians had in mind on the refugee issue and what former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was willing to offer was not just vast but unbridgeable.

世纪的中国将会是一个法制更玩呗的社会,而我们每一个公民必须具备较高的法律素质。Laws and regulations is sacred, he is an unbridgeable gap, the 21st century, China will play a more chanting legal community, and each of our citizens must have a higher quality of law.

收集是一项长期的,但作为伯尼建议本星期之间的鸿沟大车队的立场和国际汽联主席不得。Theissen expects the gathering to be a long one, but as Bernie Ecclestone suggested this week, the chasm between the big teams' position and that of the FIA president may not be unbridgeable.

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我们相信,因为有着共同的目标,我们与您的沟通决不存在不可逾越的鸿沟,因为某些观点产生碰撞,也不影响我们点燃友谊的火花。We believe that because share a common goal, we will never communicate with your presence unbridgeable divide, as some have a collision point of view, do not affect our friendship ignited the spark.