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院长,手里拿着念珠,正在等候他们。The prioress, rosary in hand, was waiting for them.

我给了他二零零零里拉并在我的口袋的数珠。I gave him 2,000 liras and put the rosary in my pocket.

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在他的两个四手,他拥有一个水锅和念珠。In two of his four hands he holds a water pot and a rosary.

她的双手摊开放在膝上,一串念珠松松地拿在手间。Her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between them, a rosary.

Michael拿起一串念珠,心不在焉地拨弄着十字架的末端。Michael lifts a rosary and fidgets with one of the ends on the cross.

不管什么情况,她都是躲在她的那个角落里,神情呆滞地只管捻着她的那串念珠。In any case, she was in her corner, vacantly absorbed in the beads of her rosary.

牧师的两只公鹦鹉正夹着念珠在笼子里作玫瑰经祷告。The priest's two male parrots are holding rosary beads and praying in their cage.

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念珠,手镯等宗教首饰也是有趣的礼物。Religious jewellery such as rosary beads and bracelet makes for an interesting gift.

他底大妻正是手里捻着念佛珠,一边在念着“南无阿弥陀佛”,一边答。Chanting " Buddha preserve me" with a rosary in her hand, the scholar's wife replied.

她要求他们念诵玫瑰经,为世界和平及罪人悔改。She asked the children to recite the Rosary for world peace and conversion of sinners.

梵天也手持着玫瑰水珠组成的绳子,他用这条绳来计算宇宙的时间。Brahma also holds a string of rosary beads that he uses to keep track of the Universe's time.

星期三晚上会有守灵和诵经的活动,葬礼在星期四举行。A vigil service and rosary are scheduled for Wednesday night, with a funeral Mass on Thursday.

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从小时候开始,父亲便常诵念家庭玫瑰经和作饭前祈祷。When I was growing up, Dad would pray the family rosary and grace before meals each day with us.

她的佛珠挂链所用的琥珀,也许是波罗的海沿岸或缅甸北部出产的。Her Buddhist rosary beads were of amber, perhaps from the shores of the Baltic or northern Burma.

缟玛瑙据说能启发人沉思冥想,天主教会常用作念珠。Onyx, believed to inspire deep thoughts, is usually used for rosary beads in the Catholic church.

你每天谈到玫瑰经,每天去做弥撒,主给了你优雅和慈悲。You always said your rosary every day and you went to Mass every day, and God gives you the grace.

他谈完的时候,院长手指中间的念珠也停止转动了,她对他说When he had finished speaking, the prioress stayed the slipping of her rosary between her fingers, and said to him

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这条新闻令她伤心不已,因为她曾经也在威奇托住过,并定期在泰勒的诊所外面做祷告。The news was poignant for her as she used to live in Wichita and regularly prayed the rosary outside Tiller's clinic.

有一次,在每日一次念玫瑰经时我请假去上厕所,结果在外面待的时间过长,惹了麻烦。I also got in trouble once for excusing myself to go to the bathroom and staying away too long during the daily rosary.

诵念玫瑰经就是学习以耶稣母亲的目光去注视祂,并以耶稣母亲的心去爱祂。To recite the Rosary means to learn to gaze on Jesus with his Mother's eyes, and to love Jesus with his Mother's heart.