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你愿意当我的情人吗?Will you be my Valentine?

做一个公平交易的情人。Be a Fair-Trade Valentine.

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这都是基米·范林丁干的。The valentine day is joyful!

我一直都喜欢过情人节的。I used to like Valentine Day.

让我送上情人节的祝福。I send you a Valentine greeting.

我喜欢做你的小情人。I love beind your little Valentine.

我在做一张情人节卡片给苏丝邓肯。I'm making Susie Derkins a Valentine.

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这是一位不具名的爱慕者送来的情人节礼物。This is a Valentine from a secret admirer.

圣瓦伦丁河啊,你戴着王冠高高在上。Saint Valentine thou who art crowned aloft.

于是,詹姆斯·范林了便走到了阳光下。James Valentine walked out into the sunshine.

情人节礼物是什么呢?玫瑰和巧克力?What about the valentine? Rose and chocolate?

我会送我的情人巧克力糖和玫瑰花。I will give my valentine chocolates and roses.

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地老天荒,我将是你的情人。I will be your Valentine until the end of time.

瓦沦丁对暴君的虐行感到非常难过。Valentine tyrant of the line of child feel sad.

这份情人节礼物,是送给那位偷去我的心的女孩。This Valentine is for the girl who stole my heart.

这份礼品,是送给那位偷去我的心的女孩。this valentine is for the girl who stole my heart.

但是,一路走过来,你始终是我最心爱的人。But through it all, you’ve always been my valentine.

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但经历过这一切的甘与苦,你七夕节传说是我的爱人。But through it all you have always been my valentine.

因为你,我想在情人节送花。Because of you, I wanted to send flowers on Valentine.

瓦朗蒂娜微笑了一下,但她显然很忧郁和痛苦。Valentine smiled, but it was evident that she suffered.